Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 226 - What a day in Wagga Wagga

Hello to a new week. I hope the weather's nice and warm where-ever you are. For me, it got a little warmer today, I think it got to 15, I almost thought about going in to shorts again. Almost.
OK, so with my main activity of the area, fishing, being denied due to flooding, I set about doing a few zoo/museum activities for the day. And as I'm in a small country town, I decided to walk around.
My first stop what the Riverina Museum, a museum of the things of the area. Unfortunately, this museum is closed on Mondays, so I had to move on. And that involved going to the Sporting Hall of Fame, where they have photos and items of interest for famous sports-people from the area, such as Wayne Carey. Unfortunately, this place is also closed on Mondays. What the?
So I headed down to the zoo, all in the same area, to find it's only a zoo for simple aussie things, such as kangas and emus, things I've seem (and hit) heaps of times on this trip, so I didn't stay too long.
Slightly frustrated, I went to the RAAF Museum, as I saw a few old airplanes when I drove in to Wagga. I got to look at 4 planes, which were pretty cool, but lo and behold, the actual museum is only opened on the weekend.

At this point I was pretty frustrated, so I headed to the local fishing shop, to get some advice, and their advice was to keep driving, there was nothing here. I thought about it, but it was going to be a 2 hour drive to get to a good place.
So, when you've done everything you could possibly do, what do you do? Go to the movies don't you? I went and saw Resident Evil 4 (in 3d). Not too bad, but I've had a thing for Milla ever since the 5th Element.
Tomorrow should be much better. I'm off to the mountains, heading up to Jindabyne, hopefully to do some good fishing, and maybe climb a mountain or 2.

RAAF Museum - Well sort of

Wagga Beach Caravan Park - this is the entry point, where's your boat??

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