Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 215 - Is 3 sisters enough?

So today I left Bathurst, and probably at the right time. I could see that there testosterone was already increasing in town, with men (and boys) all walking around in either Ford or Holden clothes. I didn't fit in with my Nissan I guess.
Keeping with my general theme of this holiday, I first headed down to Trunkey Creek, to go have a look at the Abercrombie Caves. And yes, just another cave system, this one not requiring a tour guide. The interesting part was when I was about 20 feet up, walking on the rocks, when all the lights went out. So much for automated lighting. At least they came back on about 30 seconds later.
From the cave, I headed about 10 km downriver to have a look at the Grove Creek Falls. Not a very interesting waterfall, but I just can't help myself.
I then had a 200km drive to get to Katoomba. Now Katoomba is the central town on top of the Blue Mountains. And whilst looking for the tourist information centre, I also found the 3 sisters. Unfortunately, as did about 10,000 other tourists, most of which didn't speak english. Now the Sisters are everything you expect and a bit more. Lovely scenario. But did you know you could climb on to one of them (don't get too excited Rockclimbers, you cant do that). It was a very steep step walk, but worth the effort.
After going there, I decided to walk around town, and talk to a few people about what I should do next. And I've worked it out. Tomorrow, I'm going to walk all the way down the mountain/cliff face. I'm really looking forward to it. And luckily, I can get a skyrail to come back up the hill, so I only need to go downhill. Yippee!!
So, after a lovely sunny day, the mist has moved in, and I can only see about 10 metres. I guess that's what you get for being 1000 metres up.
Abercrombie Caves

The 3 Sisters

Me at the base of sister 1

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