Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 214 - Brrmmmmmmmmmmmm

So I wont give about too much about today, but brmmmmmmmm, brmmmmmmm.

Today was filled with lots of different towns, involving lots of drives between them. The first town I headed to was Parkes to see the "Dish". Now, just to be correct, the telescope is about 20km out of Parkes, but whatever. Now the dish is a lovely thing, and there were plenty of people there checking it out, but that's all we could do. General public aren't allowed into the telescope, I don't believe they ever have.

From there I drove through Parkes, and found it to be a lovely town. Very pretty, and I might just say, all the other towns I stopped at during the day today were the same, very pretty towns.

After Parkes I headed to Orange for lunch. I had a crazy kebab, created by russian lady, and couldn't finish it, it was that big. I then hunted down the Banjo Paterson statue, as he was born in the area.

From there I headed to my destination, Bathurst. OK, so when I planned my trip, I didn't know that the race would be on on the same weekend. Luckily it's Wednesday, and I could get accommodation, just. Now, what would I do when I come to Bathurst. That's right, I went to the Fossil Museum. Now this museum is special, cause it has the only full T Rex skeleton. It had lots of other things, but that's what I was really after.

OK, so I also went to Mt Panorama. I wasn't sure if I could get in, but I "snuck" my car in to the car park, and then just walked in with confidence. No one thought any different. I walked up and down the final straight, as well as that hill bit that they get to 300km on (what's it called Jen?). Whilst there, it appeared that I could walk around the whole track, but walking up and down the hills of the 6.5km track didn't appeal too much. I did try and find the XXXX girls, but there don't start till tomorrow. Doh!

So now I'm in my motel, getting ready for the noise and craziness to begin. There's plenty of cars around, as well as bikies, which reminds me. As I was driving to Bathurst, a gang of "Rebels" overtook me. Now these guys were crazy. They didn't wait for overtaking lanes, and when they came back into the lane in front of me, it was by a measure of a few feet at most. It went through me head, how would I survive if I ran over one. How would you???

Parkes Telescope

Banjo Paterson - Orange


Mount Panarama

1 comment:

  1. Mate, if you ran over a Rebel, well, I put first dibs on the Sony and and your fishing gear...
