Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 225 - Off to Wagga Wagga

Hi folks, I hope you had a good weekend. Me, if was freezing, and also bloody windy.

When I left Goulburn it was a barmie 7 degrees, but at least by the end of the day it'd warmed to 14 degrees. My shorts will be back on hopefully in the next few days.

OK, so what did I do today? I drove to Wagga Wagga. On the way, I did a few things, and no, no waterfalls today. My first stop was Cootamundra and whilst there, I did 3 things. 1, hunted down some cootamundra wattles, of which the locale is famous for. 2, I went to the Captains Walk, where there's a sculpture/head of every Australian Cricket Captain in it. Did you know that Gilchrist is in it, and he even has his big ears in the sculpture. And 3, I went to the birthplace of the greatest cricketer of all time, that's right, the original home of Sir Don Bradman.

From there, I headed to Gundagai. Now there wasn't much to see there, hey I've scene the Dog on the Tuckerbox a number of times, but I still had to stop again.

After that I drove to Wagga Wagga. Now all day on the radio I was hearing that Wagga was flooded and that there'd been 70 cars so far washed away, but I got into town OK. Just for a bit of cheek, I've got myself in a motel that sits right across the road from the flooded murrumbidgee, but it doesn't look like it's going to cause me any issues. Oh, and I'm on the second floor, just to be save.

The bad thing about the floods is that I wont be able to do any fishing, which is one of the main reasons I came this way. Bloody NSW, it just hasn't been that good to me.

Bradmans Birthplace

Murrumbidgee River - Flooded

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