Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 216 - The Blue Mountains

Hello folks, I hope your week went well, and you're looking forward to your first non-AFL related weekend. Go Pies!!
For me, it was a day of hiking around the Blue Mountains. My first port of call was the 3 sisters again, and it's funny to go there when there are no tourists around. Anyway, my 2 big walks both started from this point anyway.
As is well known, I love waterfalls, so I headed to the Tawoomba Falls. This involved walking along the cliff face for about 3 kms, before heading down. I think the climb down was about a 400 metre drop, so not too bad, especially since all the steps were in mud. At the bottom of the falls/cliff was a 2.5 km walkway around a rainforest, which I also did. And down there, I bumped into a lyrebird, in it's full glory. It sang/chirped different tunes for about 10 minutes, so much so, I actually thought it might have been a toy instead.
Having climbed down the hill, there was no way I was going to go back up it, so I did the right thing, and took a Railway up the hill. This little tram took us up at a 52 degree angle, and guess what, no seat belts. The initial shock of the angle was easily looked after, once I worked out how to hang on.
From that point, I took a Skyway (rail) back to the 3 sisters, which was a lovely 10 minute trip with nothing underneath us. The floor had glass tiles, which turned see-through all of a sudden, just to scare people who are scared of heights.
Anyway, I got back to the 3 sisters about lunchtime, and had a nice meal, but the 3 hour difference certainly showed, there were people everywhere now.
After the lunch break, I headed the other way (left), and headed to the Leura Falls. Another beautiful walk along the cliff face, and this time I only had to climb half way down the cliff. Of course, there was no way to avoid climbing up the stairs this time.
After that, I didn't really feel like walking any more, so I took a nice scenic drive around the mountains, before heading back for a lovely shower. And stupidly, now I'm stiff all over from the day's efforts.
Me and the 3 sisters

Katoomba Falls

Railway (at 52 degrees)

Leura Falls

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