Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 217 - Entering the Hunter Valley

Hi Folks, another day of hard work and effort for me today. It started with a few short walks to see a few more waterfalls on the Blue Mountains, Gordon Falls and Wentworth Falls, the latter being the best waterfall on the mountain. Unfortunately, the weather as it is, didn't help any, and although I went to see both falls, I actually didn't see either falls, if you know what I mean. But a nice way to start the day.
From there I headed off the mountain, and towards Hunter Valley. In the process, I managed to drive on 3-lane motorways, something I've only see minimally of late. It was nice to sit on 110km/h for long spans of time. Oh, one thing to think about, most other states (not Vic) have speed limits of 110, rather than 100. I wonder why.
I got in to Cessnock (Hunter Valley), and from there headed off to a few wineries. The first one I went to was Petersons. Now I recommend this winery to anyone out there who enjoys wine. OK, the wine was OK, but the company was fantastic, as you can see by the picture below.
From there I headed to Brokenwood. Now I wasn't going to go there, but the name stood out. I should have listened to my first option. The wine was OK, but I just didn't get the vibe from it.
At that time, I decided it was time to park my car, and go walking to a winery. And to this, I headed to Savannah Winery. My initial feeling there was not too friendly, but after a few glasses, the lady behind the counter warmed up, and I had a good chat. She actually new the girl from Petersons, and suggested I could've persued it. Oh well, missed opportunities.
I had such a good time at Savannah, that the lady even gave me a beer on the way out, as a way of keeping my thirst sorted for the walk back. What lovely people.

Anyway, I'm now settling in for the evening, as I have a full day's tastings planned for tomorrow. Can someone take hold of my wallet, so I don't spend too much???
Petersons Winery - Katherine and I

Wentworth Falls - Can you see it?

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