Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 207 - anybody for some gunja?

Hi everyone, I hope all is going well. For me, my cold has gone into full swing, I'm finding it so hard to breath without a whole lot of "boogers" coming out.

But I worked my way through it, and after a shower, and a whole lot of drugs, I got myself into the car and headed out. My end goal was Lismore, but I'd put a whole lot of things in to the day.

My first port of call was the Border Range National Park, but on the way there, I found a small road that took me to Mt Warning. Now this hill was quite outstanding, as it would be a rockclimbers paradise, albeit a huge rockclimb. The way was 8.8km which I rejected, just cause of the cold. But I did get to do a smaller walk that took me through lovely rainforest trees.

At the Border Range, there was a lovely drive to the top of the mountains, all on wet dirt roads, but at the top, I got to see lovely views. Unfortunately most of the road was closed off, but I did get to stand on the top of the Pinnacles, 500 straight down to the mountain floor.

From there I headed to the lovely town of Nimbin. Now this town isn't very large, I think I walked from one end to the other in 5 minutes. And in that time, I think I got asked by about 10 different people if I'd like some dope. Ahhh, the memories of Amsterdam and other European towns. Of course I didn't take any. Whilst there, I went into the Museum and the Hemp Embassy, two lovely but small shops in town.

Finally, I headed to Lismore, where the rain started coming out again. I found another cinema, and watched Wall Street 2. Not a bad movie, I wish I'd seen the first one from 20 years ago though.

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