Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 204 - Family Day

Firstly, sorry no photos.

So, after not getting much sleep the night before, I think I got about 10 hours last night. Mmmm good sleep. But I still woke up a little sad, so the first thing of the day was to walk the dog. Nice and therapudic.

From there I headed out with my sister, to catch up with an old family friend Berenice. We've known this lady since we were born, so it was nice to catch up and have a chat. The fact that she paid for brunch bothered me a little, but you all know how I am.

After that I caught up with Gareth for a round of golf. I was looking forward to having some quality time with him, but unfortunately that didn't happen. Just as we were about to hit off on the 1st, a lady came and asked if she could join us, and doing the right thing, we said yes. Mistake!!! This woman was a pain in the butt. Not only was she a huge Collingwood footy mole, she just wouldn't stop talking. Every time Gareth and I started to chat, she'd interupt our conversations. And if we didn't talk, she'd just continue anyway. Luckily we only played 9 holes.

After that, we headed back to his place, where I had time to play with James out in the garden. Hey, he throws with both hands, what does that mean at 2 years old??

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