Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 198 - WhiteWater World

Hi all, I hope the weather there is better than it was here today. I think there was only about 30 minutes where there wasn't any rain. So, it made the decision easier, which them park to go to?
So, I've been to the Gold Coast a few times, and there's only 1 park I haven't been to, Whitewater World. I guess it's Dreamworld's version of Wet and Wild.
So how is the park? Not too bad at all. I did make a mistake early, and go for some of the bigger rides, it took a few rides for my stomach to get used to it, let alone my head. and the fact that about half the rides required you to "travel with a friend", it did make it a little awkward. I have to say, the rides are fun, and a good variety, such as:
The RIP: 4 people take a crazy drop into a circular pool, where you spin around and around until you pop into a second tunnel.
The Octopus: 8 people take a race to see who can travel the fastest down the strip. I think I won most of those, but I was competing against kids.
Hydrocoaster: Travel with a friend down a water rollercoaster, getting airborn in the process.

And my personal favourite, The Wedgie. This is a 50 metre fully enclosed very thin tunnel, where you start by having the floor drop out from under you, and you drop about 6 metres before you start straightening out. I didn't get a wedgie, but a didn't breath until I got to the bottom.
Oh, and a final note. Girls, 2 piece bikinis aren't the best thing for this sort of park. I saw the same girl 3 times lose her top. The first time was exciting, the 2nd and 3rd were just plain funny!!
Oh, and at this point, I just want to say thanks to all those people who've spent lots of time trying to find me a AFL GF ticket. No luck yet, but there's still a chance.
So now I'm in the Gold Coast itself. I went to the Hard Rock Cafe for dinner, mmmmm Fajitas.
As for what I do tomorrow, we'll just have to wait and see.
The Octopus

The Rip

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