Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 192 - Heading down to Noosa

Hi everybody, how are ya? for me, had a nice relaxing day. Not really. Although I wasn't on any tours, or boats today, I got enough done.

First thing I did was leave Hervey Bay. Now I have to say, Hervey bay's a place you could stay at for a long time, I could easily see myself retiring there. But alas, not enough time in this holiday to stay any longer.

The drive down to Noosa was nice and relaxing, I don't think I actually got over 100km/h. I got here by lunchtime, and after a slight issue finding my motel, I pulled up at the Anchor Motel, and loved it. See the little boat holes for windows!!!

I hadn't planned anything for the day, apart from a walk around town, and that's what I did. After about a 5 km walk, I got to Hastings St, the main street in town. A lovely strip of shops, and somehow bigger than the last time I was here, about 18 years ago.

From there I headed to the Noosa National Park, still on feet, and decided to go on the extended walk. What it meant was that a walked all the way through the national park, going on the outer edge (a longer walk). For the first 4km it was all about walking around the cliff edges, seeing people down in the water swimming, fishing and surfing.

Then I got to Alexandria Beach. Now this beach is a bit different. It's a nudist beach. Now I have a question, why do only men "go" to nudist beaches? Anyway, all the nudies were sitting up on the very edges of the beach, so to me, what's the point. I bumped in to a young german couple, and they thought it was funny. Until they started seeing whales in the distance, cause then they wanted to stay on that beach.

I moved on, and walked another 2 kms, before coming to the end of the walk. But then I had to find my way out, and find a bus stop....no each challenge. In the end I called a cab, hey I'd walked about 15km, and after waiting 45 minutes in a small town, it arrived and took my back to my motel.

Tomorrow I head down to the Sunshine coast, where I'll spend a few days. I might even go see the Australia Zoo and touch a crocodile or two.

Anchor Motel Noosa

Noosa Beach

Alexandria Beach - See the naked man....

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