Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 203 - Grand Final...Go Pies....well almost

Hi everyone, how was your Grand Final day. I hope it was enjoyable, whatever you were up to.
For me, I got up at 3am to line up with the thousands who wanted to get into the MCC section. There was 10,000 unreserved seats available, so people were lining up from the night before, just to ensure that they could get in.
When I got there, a little after 5am, there were already a huge line of people, half way around the MCG. Luckily I'd been chatting to another member, who'd had people there since 3am, so I jumped in line with him, and was only about 1500 back from the front of the line. Yippee! Ok, so then there was almost 3 hours of standing around, chatting to people, very civilised, before the gates opened. Oh, and boy, when the gates opened it was a made rush to get your favourite seat. It only took about 30 minutes for the 10,000 seats to be taken up, I have to say, I do feel sorry for all the people that didn't get in.
So, I'm in the MCG, at 8:30am, and have another 6 hours to wait before the game starts. What do I do??? I go to the Royal of course. So I went around to Cade's place, and after a short stop, we headed down to the pub for a few quiet ones. From there I headed to the London Tavern, a pub about 500 metres further away, which was totally packed.
By the time I headed back to the "G", around 12:30, lots of people were hanging around the G, BBQS and drinking games a plenty.
Just to note: this is my first Grand Final, so I was really excited. And I have to say, the pre-game entertainment was a little dissappointing. OK, we got to see (barely) INXS, but that was about it.
So, we all know the result of the game, a draw, yes Cade, 68/68, but I have to say, both teams should/could've won the game. If Cloke had've kicked straight in the second quarter, we could've been up by 36 at half time. Oh well, another footy game next week, and cricket gets to wait another week. The sad thing for me is, my friends and I made such an effort to get me down here, with quite a bit of money involved, and there was no result. Oh well, I'm back to QLD on Tuesday, and will find a pub to watch it in. Maybe we'll have a better result next week.
So I can't put the jumper/singlet/speedos away yet.
Go Pies!!!
The MCC Line - 6am

Go Pies!!

68 a piece.

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