Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 200 - what to do, what to do.....

Another day in paradise, another day in the rain. I was planning on going to Movieworld today, but once again, the weather caused a change in plans. So, without much thought on this, I headed to Wet N Wild, the original water park up here in the gold coast.

My first thought when I got here, was that it'd changed quite a bit in the 5 years since I'd been here last. I think there's about 6 or 7 more rides than the last time. I won't go into too many details, but I thought I'd describe two of them:

1. the AquaLoop - A short but very intense drop. This is an extension on the Wedgie ride from a few days ago, the only difference is that you do a sumersault in this one. Absolutely crazy. And the first person I saw riding it didn't get all the way around, which looked very scary.

2. Mach 5 - A very simple ride, from a very high height. A huge drop, at a 70 degree angle, I actually thought I was going to leave the ride I was going that fast. But lost of fun.

At lunchtime, I did what I did the last 2 days, and checked the mobile, to find wonderful news. Jacqui had found me a ticket to the AFL. It took me all of 3 seconds to reply back, saying yes, and about 5 hours later I was back in Melbourne.

So here I am, back in the warmth of lovely Melbourne, and am very excited about the next few days.



Surf Rider

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