Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 179 - On to Dunk Island

Hi everyone, I hope your day went well. For me, I've jumped back into my normal travelling self, and have filled the day.

So, at 6:30am I was up, and by 7am I was on the road, as I drove from Townsville to Mission Beach. My reason, to get to the beach there by 10am, so that I could catch the last ferry to Dunk Island.

Unfortunately, I got there at 10:05, due to lots of roadworks on the road. So damn!! But luckily, there's a taxi service to the island, so I got on that and happily made it to the island.

And I have to say, Dunk Island is pretty. There's not too much on the people side of things, a resort, an airport, a couple of shops, and that's it. And after looking around a bit, I regretted not organising to stay there, as the resort looked lovely, with 3 pools, tennis courts, spa centre, and lots of beach activities.

But since the weather was pretty bad (again), I moved away from the idea of swimming and sunbaking all day, and walked the circuit walk around the island. It was a great walk, about 10km, which included a climb up a 500 metre mountain. Unfortunately, when I got to the top, the rain was pelting down, so the photos didn't get done.

When I got back to the beach, I had about 2 hours spare, so I kicked back, opened up the book and relaxed.

Now I'm back in Mission Beach, a lovely town, that has a lovely beach. And looking forward to relaxing some more. I'm staying in a Motel that is built into a rainforest. Grooovy!!

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