Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 201 - Lovely Sunny Melbourne

Hi All, well I'm back in Melbourne. And it's a lovely place, pity it's so cold. I'm certainly not used to wearing jeans, let along a jumper.

So, I had a busy run around day. It started off with visiting my brother, Gareth, along with his partner and son, Leanne and James. I spent a good couple of hours there, being amazed at how much a little kid (2) can grow up in the 2.5 months I've been away.

I then headed to Forest Hill, to go shopping. I bought some new runners, as I'd full walked/run the last pair away over the last 7 months travels. Oh, and a thing of note: Forest Hill Chase is changing, their re-doing the cinemas, along with adding things like JB Hifi (about time) and Rebel Sport.

From there I headed down to catch up with Steve, and relate a few stories. I then had dinner with him, and his lovely family, at where else, the Nott. Mmmmm Parma!!!

Tomorrow's going to be a busy day, as I head in to town to see all the football festivities. Go Pies!!!

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