Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 182 - Moving down the coast

Hi everyone, with only a short drive between Bowen and Mackay, I decided to go a little of course, with the idea of finding something to see. The ended up meaning I headed to the Eungella National Park, to do a walk or two.

One of the main features of this National Park is the Finch Hatton Gorge. After a 2 km walk, I came across the gorge below.

It's funny, but I just don't get bored of doing hikes to see waterfalls, and this was a lovely one. Unfortunately, without my swimming buddy, Bee, I couldn't convince myself to go in. Bee come back!!!

From there I headed up into the mountains, to head to Broken River. Now BR is a location that lots of tourist go to in the area, as there's a good chance of seeing platypus's in action. When I got to the river, loh and behold, there's one right in front of me. But it only stayed there for a second, no time for a photo, and never came back into vision. doh!

So I got into Mackay just in time to watch the Hawks game. Now, I have to say, a number of the pubs in town here have topless barmaids, but I avoided them, mainly due to the fact they weren't showing the AFL in them.

By the time I got to my motel room I was already in a happy state, and watching the Pies win got me into a better state. Go Pies!!! 2 more wins to go!!!

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