Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 185 - Back on the coast...to Yeppoon

So today I drove a huge distance, going from Rockhampton to Yeppoon. For those of you who don't know, it's 45km. But it's a big 45kms.
So why Yeppoon? This was as far as my family came, when we did a 5 week driving trip up the east coast, back when I was 7 years old. We spent 9 lovely days here, well 9 days here, one day it absolutely pored.
It has great memories in it for me. One of them being the first time I caught a fish, without having my next-door neighbour with me (who used to take me fishing). It was funny trying to go fishing, not knowing what to do, and neither did my parents.

Anyway. Moving on. So I had a pretty relaxing time today. Apart from remembering things, I spent a good part of the afternoon fishing, where the lake met the ocean, just under the bridge. I caught about 15 fish, including bream, fingermark bream, and grunters. If I had've put all the fish together, it would've weighed about the size of a normal fish, but it was still fun.
Tomorrow I'm meant to go on a charter out to Great Keppel, but I've just been called to be advised it's cancelled, so I'm going to have to do the run-around early tomorrow to get on another boat. Should still be fun!!
Old Caravan Park

Great Keppel Island

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