The island was reserved just for our company, and we had less than a hundred people on it. We spent the day snorkelling over the reef, and I have to say, it was better and worse than the snorkelling I did a week ago from Port Douglas. That day had so much prettier reefs, but it didn't have many types of fish, where as today, we had so many different fish. I was swimming around with lots of Trevally, and Coral Trout, along with bumping in to a couple of turtles.
But one of the best things of the day was watching/encouraging Kailash to get into the water. All morning he spent time in the water, but didn't go in very far, but by the afternoon, we had him out about 300 metres off the cost, chasing turtles with us. And he loved it.
When we got back, we went out to dinner, before heading down to the casino, where we all lost money.
no kailash...your team is not "1st" on the ladder...or even 2nd! he he he! hope you guys are having a blast, can't wait to hear all about it. jac xx