Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 171 - Cairns and up to Kuranda

Hi all, sorry about the delay again, I'm now travelling with friends, so I have more exciting things to do, and I'm not just sitting in my caravan/tent/motel room by myself. Anyway.....

Today we got up early, to go up to Kuranda, the second most popular thing to do as a tourist in Cairns. Kuranda is a small town up in the mountains, and we took the old railway (with every other tourist) to get up there. It was about a 2 hours trip, stopping along the way to check out the sites, including the wonderful Barron River falls, which I think are about 260 metres long.

Once up there in Kuranda, we spent the majority of the day just walking around, looking at all the shops. The main touristy thing we did whilst we were up there was to go to the Australian Venom Zoo, a little zoo that has all sorts of creepy crawlies in it. We got to hold snakes, lizards and turtles in there was well. Danni and I had a few photos taken of us holding a python, which was funny, as it "pooed" on both of us.

The trip back to town was a little different. We took the Skyrail, as you can see by the picture below. It was both relaxing, beautiful and scary, as it moved quite fast and make scary noises as it crossed easy tower. But we made it home savely, and went back to the hotel for a lovely swim.

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