Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 164 - Me and the Great Barrier Reef

Ah, the Great Barrief Reef. What can be said? Beautiful, brilliant, warm water....
So, as you guessed, I went to the GBR today. I have to say, it's a big thing here in Port Douglas. The boat I went out on had about 70 people on it, and there were at least 5 other boats doing the same. But it was a lovely boat, having 3 levels, so I could get lots of sun (I got sunburnt for the first time in ages).
We did 3 snorkels on the boat, all on slightly different reefs. The first one what fantastic, the reef was beautiful and so full of different shapes and colours. There were plenty of fish, although I have to say they were mainly parrot fish and wrasse (up-yas!!!). The best thing was the 1 1/2 metre long wrasse that came up to everyone, and was so friendly you could pat it.
On the second dive, I took of my wetsuit, as I was finding the water quite warm, so I went out in just my budgies (no, I'm not Abbott). After feeling slightly uncomfortable dressed that way, I decided it was the best, as I got to dive so my deeper, and move around so much more freely.
On the 3rd dive, I found about 10 wrasse, all about the 1 metre in length. I followed them for about 10 minutes before other people started finding them as well. And probably the best find came in this dive. I found Nemo, well about 10 Nemos. Such pretty little things, I wonder what they taste like.
So after the snorkelling day, I did the only thing I needed to do, I went for a swim in the pool.
So, I'm off to Cooktown tomorrow, the birthplace of Australia, from a James Cook perspective. Catch you soon.

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