Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 161 - Undara National Park

Hi everyone, what was going to be a lovely day, ended up with a complete stuff up. I accidently deleted all my photos from today, only about 90 of them, of all the things I've seen and done today at Undara.

So what is Undara. Well it's the location of all these lava tubes, the biggest collection on the world. Apparently millions of years ago, we had hundreds of volcanoes occur in this area, and the end result for us is that there's all these caves now, some hundreds of metres long to go and explore. And that's what I did. I took a full day tour of the area, and it took us to 5 different locations. The first being climbing an old volcanic crater, and the rest being exploring all the caves created by these events.

Once again, very sad about the photos, it would have explained things so much better.

danni - half day only takes you to 2 events, Windmill and dead zone, but it might be enough.

NOTE: I've found this software called CardRecovery, which might help me recover those pics. I just need to work out how to map my camera as a Drive Letter. Any ideas???

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