Hi all, today I headed south, after going as far north as was planned. A small part of me did want to keep driving up to Cape York, but I don't think my car would have liked it much.
So instead, I drove south to the Daintree, going the coastal dirt road treck that I missed out on doing 10 years ago. And it was a fun drive. I'd talked to a number of people the day before, and they said it was fine, as long as I went at low tide, as there's a river crossing that's tidal. And after about an hour's drive, I made it to the Aboriginal town of Wagul Wagul, where the Bloomfield River was. And I didn't even need to put the car in 4WD. Unfortunately I planned it too well, as it was completely low tide, and there was no water on the bridge at all. Doh!
So I left Wagul Wagul, and that's where the fun began. For most of the next 2 hours, I rarely moved the car out of second gear, sometimes even having to go in 1st to get up some really steep hills. The trip also involved 4 creek crossings, 2 of which I had to walk through first to check out. Luckily they were just less than knee deep, so the xtrail got through them well. I did feel a little worried for the Toyota Camry car that I overtook though, I'm not sure if it would have made the distance.
So I'm now at Lance's Dads house, and am relaxing very well. I've set up my tent, and will sleep in that for the next few nights, before heading to Cairns.
Catch ya
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