Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 095 - A day in and around Albany

Hi all,

Sorry this entry will be short, I'm tired and a little dissappointed. In my fishing manual (thanks Steve and Nancy), it recommended Albany, as being one of the best places to fish for Salmon, with 5 to 6 kgs being the norm.

Well, I went down to the recommended beach, called Salmon Holes, and fished there for about 3 hours. In that time, I caught no fish at all. OK, the weather wasn't great, and the tide was going out, and yes, I'm no good at fishing.

Anyway, after I fished, I did a bit of a run around the local National Park. I visited a number of beaches, and items of interest. Included in these are blowholes (where if you stand over it, you'll get hit by wind), the Gap, a big crack in a rock wall, and a Natural Bridge (see below), another rock wall, which also includes a bridge.

anyway, it's time to go and relax. Catch you later.

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