Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 39 - Kangaroo Island Day 1

Hi Guys,

I think I need to change my blog habits. I always do it at the end of the night, after I've surfed the web, and read/responded to my emails, so I'm tired. Anyway...
Today I left Victor Harbour, and headed to Kangaroo Island, which included a Ferry across the water. Lots of fun there, as they really fit the cars in. I had to bend back all my mirrors on my car, just so I could fit it in, then to find I only had about 10cms free above the car as well. Luckily the boat trip was a relatively calm one.
So I'm spending 3 days here, and it'll be pretty jam-packed full of things to do (just as Kathleen and Rob), but I thought I'd relax a little.
After driving to Cape Willoughby to see an old lighthouse (how many have I seen now??), I headed towards Kingscote, the town I was staying at for the night. On the way, I climbed Prospect Hill, a lovely little way that gives you great views from the top.
Once at Kingcote, I went for a little snorkelling, but unfortunately the water wasn't very good, due to winds. I also spent a few hours fishing off the jetty there, and caught myself a nice Leatherjacket. Whilst there, I heard about an event that happens very day at 5pm, where the Pelicans come for a feed. This ended up being one of my favourite events on the trip so far. About 50 pelicans turned up on the beach, and were fed by this guy that gave us all a very entertaining spectical. With a couple of bus loads of people sitting on rocks, with all these pelicans flying/walking around, it was a great sight.
Anyway, tomorrow I'm going to do a bit of running around, seeing lots of sites, before camping the night, so you probably won't hear from me till Friday.
have fun!!

Feeding the Pelicans

The NAB's new advertising??


  1. hello my sweetness. Its lonely at night without and your touch.

    Happy birthday you old tiger.........................
