Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 055 - Mount Remarkable

So a big day, both good and bad today. I felt that I hadn't done much bush-walking of late, so I headed to Mount Remarkable, a mountain and a national park, to get some exercise.

I chose 2 walks to do, the summit walk and the gorge walk, and did the summit first, as it was a 12.2km walk, going up and down, without much flat bits in the middle. The guidelines said it would take 5 hours, I did it in 3, so maybe I'm getting a little fitter. hah!

So this is where the bad bit hits. So I finish the walk, and am feeling both tired and chuffed, and drive off, then realise I've lost my $350 sunglasses. I believe I stupidly left them on the bonnet of the car. So I drove back, only about a kilometre, but couldn't find them anywhere. Shall I just say that I'm very upset about this.

After searching around for 15 minutes, I gave up, and did my second walk, called Alligator Gorge. Now I can understand why it's called a gorge, see below, but why an alligator. It should be called locust gorge, as those little insects were everywhere.

So I'm now in Port Augusta, and have decided not to do much here. For me, it's a settling location, ready for what I do starting tomorrow, which is head into the centre of Oz. So shopping for supplies is in order, and then off to the Flinders Ranges (actually I was in them today).
Have a great weekend.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 054 - Back to Peterborough

Hi all, and a special hello to Nikki-G. Just thought I'd add in a photo a your home town, Peterborough, even if it's the PB in South Australia.
So I've left NSW, for now, and have come back to South Australia. Another short drive of 400kms, but at least it was all on sealed roads. When I got to Broken Hill, I found a car wash, and put it to good use. At least the outside of the car is clean now, I can't say much for the inside. There's a nice orange/red dust right through the car now.
Anyway, I'm in a little town of PB, which is best known for being a central location for trains in the 1900's. I went through a museum, with a tour guide for 2 hours, looking at old trains, which was great.
So tomorrow I'm going on 2 walks, which add up to about 15kms, to the top of Mount Remarkable (I hope it is). I plan to end up being in Port Augusta for the night.
Until tomorrow (yes Lance, I'll write a blog entry tomorrow), caio.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 053 - Off to Menindee

This is a short note, as I had to write yesterdays blog today as well.

So what did I get up to? I drove (again) from White Cliffs to Menindee, another small town. This one is surrounded by lakes, which are mainly filled from the Darling River. Funny, they're saying here that all the lakes will be flooded by May. Good time for me to go.

So I had some interested experiences with nature. In my first hour of driving, I found this lizard crawling across the road so I had to stop.

I also had 4 experiences with snakes today, all by car. Funny it being the first day I've seen snakes in 8 weeks travel (except for the little one at the 12 apostles). Anyway, I ran over 2 of them, and if you see below they still live, so don't get out of the car if you ever run over one.

Anyway, time to go. It's time to leave NSW, and head back to SA. Catch you soon.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 052 - The White Cliffs of Dover?

Hi Everyone, after a lovely short drive on dirt roads yesterday, I figured it was time to do it again. It was only 300 kms today to White Cliffs, but it was all dirt roads. And apart from 1 big hole, which I hit, it was a reasonable drive.

So what's White Cliffs? Firstly, it's a town that Jason suggested to me, and secondly, it's an opal town, similar to Coober Pedy, but much smaller.

So after running around the town, looking at some opal galleries, and seeing a few opal mines, I checked into the Underground Motel, where the whole motel is underground. It's a very interesting experience, sleeping underground.

When I booked in, the receptionist advised me that an "old" person function was on that night, with a whole bus full of people, which I accepted. This included dinner. The receptionist put me on a table with the only other person not in that function group, which ended up being a 55 year old gay man, who had all sorts of insights and issues. It only took him about 5 minutes to ask me if I was gay, which I denied perfusely, as well as telling him about all the girls, but he still hit on me. The funny thing is, he was married for 10 years, as well as dated a prostitute.

Eugene, is the second guy on the left.

Luckily, I had a savior. This lovely girl is a woman of my own heart. Loves to laugh, and can drink like no woman I've ever met before. And to think, she has a child older than I am...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 051 - Go West....and North

So today's been draining. I've driven about 650kms, most of which has been on dirt roads. I left Broken Hill this morning, and headed to Tibooburra. Just want to say thanks Jason, for suggesting it, after 4 hours of driving to get here, I stayed about 15 minutes before driving on, well almost. Will talking to a local, she suggested I go to a place called Cameron's Corner, which is the location where South Australia, NSW and Queensland meet. So another 2 hours of driving on dirt roads, some so bad I'm pretty sure I got airborn (hope the car is OK), and I got there. Actually not too much to see there, except for the Dingo Proof Fence (is that the same as the Rabbit Proof Fence, I'll need to investigate), the longest fence in Australia (and maybe the world).

I managed to get back to town, just as the sun set, so I'll need to do some tourism tomorrow morning. But it's a small town, it only has 2 pubs, so it should be a nice morning.

Anyway, once I finish up here, I'll head to White Cliffs to look into some Opal mining. Stay tuned.

Something of note: So I'm in the real outback now, and you can tell. 2 things. 1. If you get out of the car, and turn it off, you can really take in the silence. It's so calming. 2. You can literally see for miles and miles. I don't think the environment has ever heard about pollution. It's stunning.

One last thing, another toilet situation. So I check the toilet everytime I go there, remember my red-back spider incident. Not so scary this time. I have a frog in the bowl. It's gorgeous.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Days 49 & 50 - Oh my, it's Broken Hill

Hi everyone,

I hope you're all well. So it's been a couple of days, and I've changed states. I'm now in Broken Hill, inside NSW. I have to say, the drive from Clare Valley was amazing. Going from rolling cream coloured hills, to almost desert like conditions was fantastic.

So I've been here almost 30 hours, and have done a few things. I've gone to the Day Dream Mine, to see an old silver mine. I still have a sore back from that. I went to Silverton, a little town that has had multiple movies, including Mad Max 2 filmed at it. I went to the Sculpture Symposium, where 12 statues have been carved. I've been to the Line of Lode to see the Miners memorial (today), to see how many people have died in the mining industry (lots). So basically. I've seen all of Broken Hill.

Most importantly, I found a pub that would show the Anzac AFL game on a large TV. Go Pies!!!!

So, a couple of big drives in the next few days. Going to Tibooburra tomorrow, then White Cliffs the next day. Hopefully the car will cope, it's mainly on unsealed roads.

Mio Sculpture

The Big Chair

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 048 - Clare, wine tasting for something different

After a nice relaxing day in the Copper Triangle, it was time to change my habits, and get back into some wine tasting, this time the Clare Valley. On the way there, I went to Wallaroo, a small town, which is part of the Copper Triangle on the Yorke Peninsula, and went into a nautical musuem. I was in and out in about 20 minutes, but not before seeing a squid about 10 feet long, even if it was stuffed.

So I'm now in the Clare Valley, and have run around a few wineries. I have to say, I'm starting to get tired of wine tasting, especially since I'm only doing a few tastings per winery.

I did Jim Barry, probably the best winery I did on the day. I even got to taste some Armagh, a $205 bottle. Mmmm. I also went to Pikes, Claymore and Knappstein, the later being about 50 metres from my motel.

So, I'm driving to Broken Hill tomorrow, about 450 kms away, so I probably wont have a blog entry. But stay tuned....

Jim Barry - The Armagh

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 047 - Where has the time gone?

So I'm just thinking, I'm probably getting close to being 1/5 of the way through my trip. Wow time flies when you're not at work.

So I decided to head to the Yorke Peninsula, and go to the Moonta Bay area to do 2 things. 1 go to the Copper Mine tour, and 2, get on a fishing charter. Unfortunately I couldn't get on either. To think that all the fishing charter boats are busy during the week here in SA. And the mine tour is only open on weekends, it just doesn't make sense.

So I made the best of my time, and the lovely 30 degree day, and headed down to the beach for a fish and a swim. I didn't catch much, but the 70 year old lady in her bikini next to be was catching lots of crabs, so I went in to a snorkel, and found lots of them for her.

Anyway, a nice relaxing day. I'm off to the Clare Valley tomorrow, so more win is to be had. I really need to start drinking them now.

Have fun

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 046 - b b b barossa

So it's time to leave Adelaide, I think I've seen everything I need to, although it would have been nice to spend more time with my good friend Ila.

My plan was to head to Barossa, an area that I'd been to a couple of times before with my "good friend" Kailash, but on the way, I thought I'd go to a few other things.

Firstly, I headed to Melba's, up in the Adelaide Hills. This is apparently a famous Chocolate factory, where I had a lovely time, looking at all the different types of chocolate combinations. From there I then headed to the "Toy Factory" another area in the hills where all sorts of wooden toys where made. On top of that, they have the largest toy horse in the world. Let it be said that I climbed that horse.

From there I went to Barossa, and booked back in to the Vine Inn, the place I've stayed at a couple of times. I spent the afternoon going to a couple of wineries. Oh Kailash, I went back to Yalumba, and got well looked after this time. I also went to Barossa Valley Estate, Wolf Blass and Elderton, just to mix it up.

I should be doing a few kms tomorrow, as I move away from the area, and head towards the Yorke Peninsula. I'm hoping to get on a fishing charter there, and spend some time swimning, before heading towards Broken Hill for the weekend.
Have fun

Day 045 - Catching up with the Roses

Hi Everyone, I hope all is going well. I had a lovely day today, doing a few touristy things, as we well as catching up with an old friend.

I firstly went to Adelaide Oval, to have a tour around the oval. It was guided by an old member of the ground, and he took us through various areas of the ground, including the members area, inside the scoreboard itself, and onto the oval. It was lovely to see the ground that I've watched cricket on TV for years on.

Once I finished there, I caught up with an old friend, Ila, who I first met in the Caribbean on 2003, when I went there for the cricket. She spent the day with me, firstly taking me to he Adelaide Zoo. For those that don't know, this zoo has a huge set-up for 2 pandas that were shifted here a few months ago. Luckily, we actually got to see one of them walking around and eating, as they usually spend most of their day sleeping, just like me.
As we were so interested in the zoo animals, we forgot to have lunch, so we headed down to Glenelg for sunset and dinner.

It was great to spend the day with Ila (thanks Ila), it's really nice to catch up with friends you haven't seen is a long time.

Anyway, I'm moving out of Adelaide today, heading off to Barossa.

Catch you soon.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 044 - Bay to Adelaide

Firstly, I'd just like to say that kangaroos aren't that smart. So I'm up driving from Mclaren Vale to Hahndorf, it's about 9:30am, and I see a large grey kangaroo on the right side of the road, facing away from the road, so I think once it sees me, it'll just forward on and go off the road, so I only slow down a little. Well, it sees me, and decides to turn around to run across my path. Did I also tell you that it had been raining all morning. Well lots of braking, and a little bit of swearing, but no damage done to car, road or kangaroo.
I had a reasonably relaxing day. I went to Hahndorf, to take another look at the old german village, as well as heading up to Mt Lofty Summit, to take a good view of the city of Adelaide. After that, I took my car to Nissan, to get a service, and whilst doing that I went into town, and walked around the main roads/shops.
After getting my car back, I went to the main shop/factory for Haighs chocolates, to buy myself some needed proteins. Then I headed back to the hotel, took a swim, read my book for an hour, and just relaxed.
I'm hoping to do a few things tomorrow, like go to the Zoo, to Adelaide Oval, and down to Glenelg. I'll be catching up with an old friend, who I met in South America/Caribbean, so that should be a nice fun day.
Catch ya later.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 043 - the McLaren Vale

So I've been in Adelaide for less than 24 hours, and I needed to escape already. Just kidding, but I thought I'd go to McLaren Vale for the day/night anyway, before heading back to Adelaide for a few days.

So what do you do at McLaren Vale, go to wineries of course. And unfortunatley this time, I drove to all 5 that I went to, so there was lots of tipping out, and not many bottles bought. I know I've changed.

Of all the wineries that are here, I went to the following:
  • Oliver Taranga - a lovely but not well known place.
  • Rosemount - very well known, and no need to go there.
  • Primo Estate - home of the lovely Joseph wines.
  • d'Aranberg - so many wines to try, and a car to be driven.
  • Samuels Gorge - a very small winery, my believe is that the guy running it/serving me was very drunk, as he kept running in and out of the room, when I was the only person there.

To keep myself "undrunk" I went for a snorkel down the coast a little, at Aldinga Beach. I was a little scared of sharks, but had a lovely dive, seeing lots of little, and some not so little, fish. After I'd finished, whilst I was pulling off my diving gear, a dolphin swam past, about 15 metres away. If only I'd stayed in for another 5 minutes.

After all the wineries for the day, I headed down to Maslin Beach, to go for a swim, and see the sunset. See the photos attached, to see the lovely sunset.


That's right, it's a nudist beach. Enjoy!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 40 to 42 - Kanga 2 and 3 to Adelaide

Hi Everyone, firstly, I'd just like to say thanks to all those people that sent me emails, facebook msgs, sms's and phone msgs for my birthday (yesterday). I actually got a big tear in my eye when I got back into an area of Kanga island where I got phone reception.

So yes, I'm a year older, 39, although the lady that ran the hostel I was in last night said I only looked 30.

So what have I been up to. Lots. Kathleen, bless her, gave me lots of advice on what to do, and where to go on Kangaroo Island, and was concerned that I only gave myself 3 days to do it in. Anyway, I got through it all, with time to spare. Here's a brief summary of what I got up to on days 2 and 3.

Day 2
  • Emu Bay - a nice little beach.
  • Stokes Bay - another nice little beach, where you had to walk through a little rock cave to get there.
  • Snelling Beach - another lovely little beach, but for some reason, there was no one there. At this point I need to tell you that most of the roads around KI are dirt, and very rough at times.
  • Constitution Hill - Kath, I didn't find it, I looked everywhere, but my eyes weren't working well.
  • Cape Borda - a lighthouse at the very west side of of the isle. When I got there, there was no one to take my money, so I just walked around on a freeby.
  • Admirals Arch - a lovely rock formation, with hundreds of NZ seals living on it. One of the big tourist spots.
  • Remarkable Rocks - another rock formation, no seals this time, but stunning to look at/walk around.
  • Snake Lagoon - an area that the rangers told me to go to to find platypus. Unfortunately no go there. bea

So a pretty busy day.

Day 3

Day 3 was a little bit more relaxed, hey it was my birthday.

  • Seal Bay - probably the highlight for everyone going to KI, hundreds of Seal Lions, where we could walk up to them (about 5 metres), and see how they live. There's every a whale (bones) there.
  • Vivonne Bay - a lovely bay, apparently with one of the nicest beaches in Australia. It had a lovely jetty on it, where I could see really far under water, and could see hundreds of fish. I really wanted to snorkel there, but since the Seal Tour Guide advised me earlier about all the White Pointers in the area, I was too scared to go into the water.
  • Little Sahara - large sand dunes in the middle of the isle. Lots of fun climbing up, and then running/sliding down.

I managed to get to my hostel by 3pm, so went for a little birthday fish. Managed to catch a whiting, a wrasse and a leatherjacket, and go through a bag of bait in about 1 hour.

Ok, so I got off the isle this morning, and headed to Adelaide. After doing so much driving in the last 6 weeks, it was quite strange to be back in population. And I went to the football to see Carlton play the Crows, and yes, I supported the Blues. Go Blues!!

Ok, so no pictures today, I figure there's so much writing anyway. Catch you soon.

Love you all

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 39 - Kangaroo Island Day 1

Hi Guys,

I think I need to change my blog habits. I always do it at the end of the night, after I've surfed the web, and read/responded to my emails, so I'm tired. Anyway...
Today I left Victor Harbour, and headed to Kangaroo Island, which included a Ferry across the water. Lots of fun there, as they really fit the cars in. I had to bend back all my mirrors on my car, just so I could fit it in, then to find I only had about 10cms free above the car as well. Luckily the boat trip was a relatively calm one.
So I'm spending 3 days here, and it'll be pretty jam-packed full of things to do (just as Kathleen and Rob), but I thought I'd relax a little.
After driving to Cape Willoughby to see an old lighthouse (how many have I seen now??), I headed towards Kingscote, the town I was staying at for the night. On the way, I climbed Prospect Hill, a lovely little way that gives you great views from the top.
Once at Kingcote, I went for a little snorkelling, but unfortunately the water wasn't very good, due to winds. I also spent a few hours fishing off the jetty there, and caught myself a nice Leatherjacket. Whilst there, I heard about an event that happens very day at 5pm, where the Pelicans come for a feed. This ended up being one of my favourite events on the trip so far. About 50 pelicans turned up on the beach, and were fed by this guy that gave us all a very entertaining spectical. With a couple of bus loads of people sitting on rocks, with all these pelicans flying/walking around, it was a great sight.
Anyway, tomorrow I'm going to do a bit of running around, seeing lots of sites, before camping the night, so you probably won't hear from me till Friday.
have fun!!

Feeding the Pelicans

The NAB's new advertising??

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 038 - Where has the time gone?

Victor Harbour is a lovely place. Lots of little things to see and do. There's a lovely island, called Granite Island, that you can catch a tram to over a long bridge, so I did that this morning. Lovely sites, lovely walks, and a relaxing morning.
For lunch I headed to Cape Elliot, a nearby town, where I went to Horseshoe Bay, where I reminessed about Bermagui (where the bay goes by the same name).
In the evening, I headed back to Granite Island, to see Little Penguins coming in to shore. Unfortunately, it's not like Phillip Island, I only got to see 5 penguins, and had to do a walking tour to spot them.
Anyway, it's time for bed. I'm off to Kangaroo Island tomorrow, for 3 nights, so should be a bit of fun.
Catch you later.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Days 36 & 37 - Back to the Murray

So, is anyone reading this? It's hard to tell sometimes, but at least I'll read these details sometime in the future.

So what have I been up to?

Well, I moved on from Robe, and yes it was still raining. I'd planned to stop in a little town called Meningie, after going through the Corong National Park. I spent most of the morning driving through the Corong, stopping in various locations. For those that don't know, the Corong is the thin coastline park, running for about 200 kms, but is only about 10km wide. I'd decided to go to this place, called the 42km crossing, which is an area that 4wd cars drive along the beach, but i got too scared, what with my car, no partners, and no other people around. I wouldn't want my car stuck on the beach when the tide comes in.

When I got to Meningie, I decided to move on, it's not very interesting looking, and the water on it's lake was very low, and wouldnt have been fun for fishing. So I decided to move on to Wellington (no, not in NZ), which is a tiny town that runs along the Murray, where the Murray is in its last km before it becomes a lake. I fished there for a few hours, but with no success.

Today I've driven to Victor Harbour, which I guess is the SA version of the Rosebud area, but probably nicer looking. I'm planning on staying here a couple of days, to check a few things out.

Anyway, no pictures today, I actually didn't take many. Stay tuned for the next entry.

Keep smiling.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Days 34 + 35 - Not "in doing so"

So I've just read my last blog entry, and I noticed I wrote "in doing so" quite a bit. That's not really a saying I have, I guess it must have been because of something I ate that day.

So, I'm now in Robe, I got here last night, and am planning on staying here tonite as well. It's an old hostel, built in the 1840's I believe. It's a very strange building. I couldn't touch the ceiling if I was standing on about 10 people, but I have a lovely room, and last night I slept the best I've slept since I started this trip.

After leaving Penola, I decided to head to Naracoorte, where there's are some excellent caves. Whilst I was there, I managed to go through 3 different systems, the Alexandra, Blanche and Wet Caves. Unlike the other caves I've done this week, all these caves were huge in size, there was no cramping to get through spaces. Unfortunately my camera doesn't work to well in the dark, but hopefully the one I've attached is an interesting example.

I also went to the Bool Lagoon, apparently a "must see" by the lonely planet people. Unfortunately, I don't think there's been any water in this region for years, so there was nothing really to see.

Today, with bad weather expected, I got up early and went fishing of the town jetty. In two hours, I was the only person to catch a fish, and they were just a little bay trout, and a funny little fish called a cowfish. Unfortunately, it has lots of poisonous spikes on it, and it came off my line onto the pier, so I had lots of fun getting it back into the water.

I then headed down south, as I'd heard of a nudist beach 20 kms south. Unfortunately I didn't find it, but I found a little town, called Nora Creina, which had a private property sign, and gates, so that I couldn't get in. Maybe the two objects are one, but I did think it a little strange.

I then headed to Beachport for lunch, a town I stayed at many years ago with Lance and friends. It's a funny little town, it has a jetty that is almost a km long.

Finally I ended up in Kingston, to check out the Giant Lobster statue. Something to take a photo of, even though it was raining at the time.

Anyway, I think I'm about a week away from Adelaide. I think I'll stay there for a few days, but in the meantime, there's still the bottom of the murray, and kangaroo island to do.

Until next time....

Alexandra Caves (reflection)

Giant Lobster

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 033 - Coonawarra

So after a month, it's about time I took a rest and had a relaxing day to myself. Well not really. After leaving Mt Gambier, I took the 50 km drive to Penola, the town inside Coonawarra itself. As usual I went to the tourist information centre, and organised accommodation, and in doing so, organised the day ahead. In doing so, I organised to drive to the following wineries.
and Majella.
In doing so, it introduced me to an unusual experience, not drinking all the different wines, having to drive myself. After trying those wineries, I decided to drive the car back to the hotel, and then walk the afternoon away. In doing so, I managed to walk about 12 kms, as well as visit the following wineries.

Yulumba (the Menzies)
Bowen Estate
and Hollick.

In doing so, I managed to wear my shoes away, as well as do a little bit of hitck-hicking, all of about 800 metres away.

So 7 wineries in one day, all by myself. Not too bad, and I only bought 1 bottle per winery. Now I need to drink them.
Anyway, time to watch the footy show. Catch you soon. Love you all.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 032 - Mt Gambier and all it's holes

Hi All, well a busy day has been had, unlike the few days before hand. From the moment I got up, I was pretty much flat out, until about 9:00pm tonite. The reason is that there's plenty of things in Mt Gambier that I wanted to go see, even though I'd been here before.
Probably the most important tourist site is the Blue Lake, and old volcano that is filled with water, that is a magical blue colour. It's about an hour walk around it, but well worth it.
From there I went to Valley Lake, another valcano lake, which is right beside Blue Lake. On the top of that is the centenary tower, a small tower at the very top of the volcano.
That made it to about lunch time, so I went to an Indian restaurant that I'd spotted the night before. It was very funny being the only customer, but the food was great, a welcome change to Quarter Pounders and Chicken Parmas for lunch.
From there I went to the Umpherston Sinkhole, a large hole/save created by the slow removal of limestone. I also went to the Engelbrecht Cave, another limestone cave, this one that allows people to go scuba divings for hundreds of metres under ground. Unfortunately, for me, it was just a walk through the cave system.
I then went to the Lady Nelson Park, a small informational centre advising people of what's happened in the region over the last few thousand years. This is right next door to the tourist information centre, but was probably the least interesting thing of the day, as it was pretty old and worn down.
Finally, on the tourist front, I went to another cave, called the Cave Gardens, a hole right in the middle of town.

After coming back to the hotel for an hours rest, I then went out to see the movie "Clash of the Titans". Unfortunately not in 3D, and it wasn't actually the greatest movie anyway. The 1981 version was much better I think.

Anyway, it's time for me to go to bed, to watch a bit of Saving Private Ryan. Tomorrow I head off to Coonawarra, so my breathalyser will be coming out to play me thinks.
Until next time, happy days!!!
Blue Lake

Centenary Tower

Engelbrecht Cave

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Days 27 to 31 - Port Fairy to Mount Gambier

Hi all,

Well, it's been a few days, firstly I was busy with friends, and then the last 2 days I've been out of range. So what have I been up to? Lots. Here's a summary.
  • Friday I went from Port Fairy to Portland, to catch up with some work mates. While waiting for them, I went to Cape Bridgewater, were I did a nice walk along a cliff face, to see a big colony of seals. It's a pity that there were so far below me, about 150 metres, as I couldn't get a nice photo.
  • Saturday, I went on a fishing charter with Cade, Kevin and Danny from work, along with a couple of other people. We were aiming to go out wide, and go for Tuna fishing, unfortunately the weather wasn't great, so we could only go out in the shallow water, were we caught snapper and other assorted fish. We did have fun for a little while, as a hammerhead shark swam around our boat, but we couldn't get him to take our bait. Doh!
  • Saturday night we went out to dinner, and Marcus Warrington, and his son, Nicholas caught up with us, so we had a nice little group.
  • Sunday, Marcus, Nicholas and I continued on, and went camping at the Lower Glenelg national park, were we put up tents right next to the Glenelg river. We spent the next couple of days fishing, and swimming in the river. We caught about 100 bream between the 3 of us, the largest being about 24cms, so not large.
  • We also went to the Princess Margaret Rose caves, to check out the caves there.

I'm now in Mt Gambier, where I'll spend a couple of nights. As I had bad weather, I used the time to clean my clothes. Tomorrow I'll have a big run-around, doing old volcanoes and caves.

Catch you next time.

PS. No photos today. Too many to go through.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 026 - The Great Ocean Road and beyond

Well, today was a good day. Having spent a nice in the fantastic Hostel in Port Campbell (btw: you really should spend a night in PC), I was ready for the big day ahead. On my way to Port Fairy, I did all the GOR sites, which are:
  • Gibson Steps - and the first time I found myself in touch with a snake. Pity it was only about 30 cms long, but still, just as deadly. See below.
  • 12 Apostles - OK, my 3rd time there in 24 hours, still couldn't get that "perfect" photo.
  • Loch Ard Gorge - much better than 12 Apostles. Lots of different things to see there.
  • The Arch, London Bridge, Grotto, Bay of Martyrs and Bay of Islands - Lots of lovely sites, all worthy of going to and taking lots of photos of.
  • Peterborough - Sorry Nicole, it's not a very big town, but lovely area regardless.
  • Warnambool - so where can I get a good sandwich.
  • Tower Hill - getting inside of an old Volcano.
  • Port Fairy - a lovely little town, which I plan to see more of tomorrow.

I went fishing, and didn't catch anything this time in Port Fairy, for me that's a sign it's time to move on.

Note: I'm in a lovely Holiday Park, Pelican Waters (sorry no Pelicans), well worth staying at.

Tomorrow I catch up with some work people, off to spend a few days in Portland. I probably won't be in touch until after Easter, as I'll be too busy, and then off camping in the Lower Glenelg National Park.

Giant Snake

Up close and personal Koala