Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 079 - Heading towards Port Lincoln

So I have to say firstly, don't stay at the Spencer Hotel in Whyalla. I did, trying to say a few dollars, and paid the cost. With the hotel heating/air con machine seemingly running from within my room all night, I didn't get much sleep.

Ok, so I left the hotel, and headed towards Port Lincoln, with the intention of stopping in a number of locations along the way. The first stop was this town called Kimba, no not the little white lion. My GPS said it was 180km to get there, when I knew it was only about 100km. And I found out why. The 100km option involved going along some crazy dirt roads, all saturated by rain for the last 24 hours. Did I tell you I'd washed my car yesterday? Well that was stupid. My car is a lovely orange colour again.

Anyway, I got to Kimba, as you can see above, and stayed there for all of about 5 minutes. Not long after, the rain started coming back in, sometimes torentially, which spoilt pretty much the rest of the day.
I got to PL, and did the usual, go to the visitors centre, and get accommodation, and organised things for tomorrow. Now this is where it gets interesting. Tomorrow, at lunchtime, I'm going out on a boat to swim with Tuna, it should be exciting. And then in the evening, I'm going to see some comedy, in the form of Busting Out, I'm sure you've all seen the add on TV in the past. That also should be good.
Anyway, I hope the weather improves, so that I have a great day tomorrow. Will let you know.


  1. Oh well.. you could have kept us company at DR..LOL. New for you.. Natalia was put into hospital and had a little boy last Thursday or Friday. Nic was still at home on Friday/Saturday, but sounded (if you call FB sound) good. Enjoy the slip/sliding. Not as much fun as in the north where it is warmer.

    Go Dees!!!!

    Have fun :)

  2. omg that giant whatever bird is hideous! can imagine it would scare off most visitors ;) wow, bet you loved seeing the shark, how exciting daf. and well done on your snapper catch, yum-o. all good here, shame the pies couldn't catch the cats on friday night, but they are still playing good footy, so who knows. mio reckons you can call in your bet with anu any time now...keep having fun and thanks for posting your blogs, they are great to read. jac xx

  3. Hi J & J, good to hear from you both. Firstly about N & N, wish them all the best from me Jane, hopefully it all goes well for the both of them.

    Now Jacqui, fishing was good as you said, as was yesterdays entry (which I'm about to put in), where I went swimming with Tuna. Absolutely crazy. As for the Pies, hopefully we'll come good this weekend, the Lions haven't been playing well lately, but you never know. Hopefully they bring back Presti and Fraser.
