Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 062 - I made it!!!

So, to me, nothing else needs to be said. This was my number 1 goal, to climb up and down Ayers Rock. And what a fun trip it was.
Anyway, on top of that, I also went to the Olgas, which are just as amazing. You'll have to come by, or invite me around, to see the photos.
By the time you read this, I'll most likely be in Melbourne for a few days.
Catch you soon

1 comment:

  1. Daf,
    Sorry to have missed you in the office - my first day back after leave - wish I were with you. I hope you are having a ball of a time.
    How did you like the steep bit? does it still have a chain to hold onto going up?? Are there still paintings/grafitti on the top??


    (Bloody pies... they didn't deserve it!!!)
