Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 086 - And now I'm in Western Australia

Hi All,

So I've moved on from South Australia, after spending quite a bit of time there, I'm now in a little town called Eucla, just over the border into WA. Now, if anyone's ever driven this line, they'll know that when you hit the border, you have to go through "customs" to get your car checked out. I had to open all my doors, and go through by boxes and esky, to ensure I wasn't bringing the wrong foods into the state. Apparently we have lots of diseases in other states.

Anyway, when I left Nullarbor, I spent most of the next 200km driving about 50 metres from lovely cliff lines. There were about 7 lookout points, where I got to take lots of photos.

Before and after crossing the border, I had to play a golf hole, a par 3 (got 4) in SA, and a par 4 (got 6) in WA. Tomorrow I think I'll hit 4 holes, which should be fun. And I didn't lose a ball in either hole, I'm impressed, and starting to enjoy the game.

After settling in at Eucla, I did a little drive around, taking myself down to see an old Telegraph station, now pretty much fully under sand dunes. Oh, and the beach down there was so lovely, the sands so white, the waters so calm. If only it wasn't so cold. Looking forward to heading north again.

Anyway, time to go. Catch you tomorrow (I think).

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 084 and 085 - into the Nullarbor

Hi Everyone, sorry about yesterday. For some reason, there's limited internet coverage in the Nullarbor.

Day 084 - Nundroo
So, I'm back in the outback again. No mobile, not internet. So hopefully this comes through OK, whenever I get back to contact-land.

Another day of poor weather. I left Ceduna, and headed west, onto the Nullabor. 80km down the line, I have my first stop, Penong, where I play my 3rd hole of the golf course. Once again, another fantastic golf course, actually just one hole, and I get a 7.

After leaving Penong, I head another 80km west, this time stopping at Nundroo. Funnily enough, the people I played behind on the last hole are playing this one, so I join them for another whole, but on a 500 metre par 5, with not much clarity, I get a 9. It's funny playing on dodgy courses, with different clubs each time.

After the golf, I head to the coast, to a place called Fowlers Bay. Apparently the town has 13 people in it, but I saw only 2, one in the shop, and one fishing off the pier. Unfortunately, I couldn't get any accommodation, so I had to head back to Nundroo. In between, I did a little surf fishing, this time to no success. but the beautiful thing is that I saw a sea-lion eating all the fish I was trying to catch, all from about 20 metres away.

So I headed back to Nundroo, and found out that the Lions/Pies game was going to be on TV. I shouldn't have bothered. Like last week, we went to sleep after 1/2 time. When are we playing Richmond????

Day 085 - And on to the Nullarbor
Having recovered from the night before, with Collingwood losing again, I jumped in the car and continued west. Without stopping, as there was nothing to see, I drove all the way to the town of Nullarbor. When I say town, I mean roadhouse. I played the 5th hole, almost got a par on a par 5, with a 150 metre fifth shot that got within inches. Oh, and lost a ball, as the crows here love to grab them in mid-flight.

I then headed out to the Murrawinigie Caves, some 10km off the beaten track. With all the rain we've had over the last few days, it was more of a swim than a drive, I was afraid a number of times that the car was get bogged, crazy man that I am.

After that, I headed to the "Head of Bight", to see if I could find a whale. I managed to see 2 whales, a mother and child, and watched that for about 2 hours. Unfortunately, they were about a km away, so the photo doesn't do justice.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 083 - Ceduna and the rain

So, if you go down to the photo at the bottom, it'll look like a nice day, but for most of today, it's been pelting down with rain. So not much fun.

I drove the 110km from Streaky to Ceduna in the morning, and then did a few things. I managed to get my broken side mirror fixed, sort of. I found a glass person to cut a bit of mirror into my car, at least it'll give me some visual ability until I can get the car properly fixed.

I also did some laundry, the things you do when it rains, as I'm not sure what abilities I'll have over the next week or so.

Once that was complete, the weather had cleared a bit, so I jumped on the golf course to start my nullarbor links course, where the course is approx 1500km long. Lots of fun, using dodgy clubs on a basic course. I bumped into some people who'd just finished the course from the other way, and apparently crows are a big issue at one of the holes, they can and steal the golf balls. So badly, that you are recommended to put bad smells onto your golf balls.

Anyway, tomorrow I hit the Nullabor proper. Not sure if I'll lose contact, if so, I'll speak/type to you in a week or so. Oh, and go Pies (since I won't get to see the game).

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 082 - ... and on to Streaky Bay

Hi everyone, another day, another drive around the country. So I've got over the little accident yesterday, hopefully in the next day or so I'll find a nissan car-yard, and all will be well. I wonder how much a mirror will cost, probably $1,000.

Anyway, I had only a small drive to do today, about 150km, so I fished in the morning, with no success this time. But when I finished, I headed off to see some caves in cliff faces. Quite interesting, lots of water splashing around. I saw the Woolshed, Talia and Tub caves.

From there I went to Murphy's Haystacks. No, not haystacks, but rock formations in the middle of no-where, where I guess someone thought they looked like haystacks.

I then drove to Cape Labatt, where I stood on the cliff top, overseeing Sea Lions. Unfortunately I couldn't get in contact with the guy who takes you swimming with them, but I guess that was OK, there was only about a 4 metre swell out there anyway.

So now I'm in Streaky Bay. Not sure why it's called that, cause there's no streaks around. Oh, but this is the best thing, they're having a mouse plague at the moment, so no food is to be left out. I've already seen a few dead mice around. Hopefully they keep out of my caravan.

Until next time.....

Kailash - this drink's for you

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 081 - Killing in the name of....

So, hello everyone. Just thought I'd write to you, just like I do most days. Unfortunately I don't have any mobile reception, cause I'd like to make a phone call or two.

So, what did I do today? I went from the lovely Port Lincoln, to the small town of Elliston, via the Coffin Bay National Park. Now I wasn't expecting must from the NP, but once I got there, I found it lovely. Beautiful landscapes, lovely lakes, rivers and beaches. I spent a couple of hours there, driving around at the NP speed limit of 40km.

Once I left, about 500 metres out, I put the foot to the pedal, and got to the lovely speed of about 80km/h before an emu jumped onto the road. Well I had nothing else I could do but slam on the brakes and hope for the best. Unfortunately, emus being slightly dumb, it decided to run to me, rather than away, and I hit for the poor animal. It got hit by my side mirror, which went flying. Pulling over, there was no emu to be found, and no blood on my car, but a missing mirror, and a couple of scratches on the side. Poor car.

So after getting myself together, I drove to Elliston, a small fishing town. After speaking to the locals, I found the "good" place to go, called Locks Well, and headed off there. Ok, so there's 284 steps down to the sand, but it was worth it. With my first cast in, I caught a lovely Salmon, and within the next 2 hours, I caught another 3 more. Unfortunately the water was really rough, otherwise I would have stayed longer.

I might go fishing tomorrow here before I leave, depending on how the weather looks.

Catch you later.

Day 080 -- Port Lincoln, swimming and comedy

Hi All,
firstly, sorry Lance that this is a little late, I had such a good day yesterday, I was too tired to write this when I got home. And I know you like to read these first thing in the morning.
Anyway, yesterday was such a big day, as the weather's finally come good again, and there's lots to see in Port Lincoln. I started by actually leaving town, and going to the NP, which is just south of town, in the hope of seeing a whale. Unfortunately no go there, apparently not cold enough yet.
From there I went to the local maritime museum, which had lots of boats and pieces of boats to look at, along with a nice video, which showed me how the Tuna industry began and now works. I then had lunch in town, which gave me a good look at how the town works. It's actually a really nice place to come to, and in summer it'd be so full of people. Oh, and did you know that the best horse ever, Makybe Diva grew up here???
After lunch I jumped on a tour boat, and went out to the sea to swim with Tuna. Apparently there's lots of permanent nets out in the water where they put the live Tuna they catch, so that they grow and get fit. Swimming with them was fantastic, you really get a view of how they live. And god they swim fast (70km/h), I hope some of my underwater photos come out. They also had snapper there, all over 20lbs. Lovely.
After the tour, I headed out to the theatre to see Busting Out. I don't know if you know about it, but for most of the 2 hours, the 2 women are walking around topless. It's like the old Puppetry of the Penis show, where the women move and shape their breasts into different shapes. My favourite was the batman symbol, but I'll leave that to your imagination.
So now it's the morning, and I'll continue my travels heading west. It wont be too long till I get to the SA/WA border, and hopefully the weather starts picking up. Oh, and I met a couple who just came from the "Bight" and they saw 27 whales there, so I'm keen.
Makybe Diva
Fishies - 40kg tuna

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 079 - Heading towards Port Lincoln

So I have to say firstly, don't stay at the Spencer Hotel in Whyalla. I did, trying to say a few dollars, and paid the cost. With the hotel heating/air con machine seemingly running from within my room all night, I didn't get much sleep.

Ok, so I left the hotel, and headed towards Port Lincoln, with the intention of stopping in a number of locations along the way. The first stop was this town called Kimba, no not the little white lion. My GPS said it was 180km to get there, when I knew it was only about 100km. And I found out why. The 100km option involved going along some crazy dirt roads, all saturated by rain for the last 24 hours. Did I tell you I'd washed my car yesterday? Well that was stupid. My car is a lovely orange colour again.

Anyway, I got to Kimba, as you can see above, and stayed there for all of about 5 minutes. Not long after, the rain started coming back in, sometimes torentially, which spoilt pretty much the rest of the day.
I got to PL, and did the usual, go to the visitors centre, and get accommodation, and organised things for tomorrow. Now this is where it gets interesting. Tomorrow, at lunchtime, I'm going out on a boat to swim with Tuna, it should be exciting. And then in the evening, I'm going to see some comedy, in the form of Busting Out, I'm sure you've all seen the add on TV in the past. That also should be good.
Anyway, I hope the weather improves, so that I have a great day tomorrow. Will let you know.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 078 - Wonderful Wet Whyalla

Hi Everyone,

Just for a change, and making up for such a lovely day yesterday, it decided to rain the whole day today. That of course makes some things hard to get up to, but I made do.

I left Arno Bay, and backtracked back to Whyalla, apparently SA's second biggest town, with about 22,000 people. So I went back to the lovely visitors centre, which I'd visited 2 days earlier, and went to the Maritime Museum. This involved a 1 hour tour through the HMS Whyalla (or Whaler depending on where you come from), an old WW2 boat that was used for minesweeping. It was very interesting to see how the old sailors lived back in the day, all cramped up together and segregated depending on rank.

After that I just drove around a bit, as most of the touristy sites failed due to weather. I saw a statue of a dog, based on the Lawson writer, as well as going to the local lookout region.

I was going to go to the local cinema, but for some reason it's closed on Sundays (what the???).

anyway, as the weathers not meant to improve, I'll leave here and head to Port Lincoln tomorrow, where I am to go swimming with Tuna.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 077 - fishie fishie fishie fish

Hi Everyone, I hope you're all well. I had a great day today, doing one of my favourite past-times, going fishing on a fishing charter. And today, I went out with a charter boat that was on TV last week, where they showed people catching big snappers.

And catching big snappers is what we did. Although my own largest one was a meesly 55cm, one of the guys got a 75cm monstrocity. Absolutely lovely.

And to make the trip even better, one the way out we were followed by a few dolphins as well. But most impressive of all, at around 3:30, about 5 minutes before we were to head back to port, we were joined by a white pointer, at a tiny 12 ft in length. It stayed around us for about 10 minutes, eating some of the fish whilst we were catching it. We ended up trying to catch it, which we did, and had about 5 minutes of fighting before it ate through the metal wire fishing line. A great way to end the day.

On the way back, the weather had turned a little rough, and by the time we got back to port, an hour later, I was thoroughly wet, and freezing.

To end the day, I had a hamburger from the local food-mart, where they advertised the Arno-mous burger, a hamburger that fit across the whole plate. Let me just say that I'm nice and full now. Mmmmmmm

Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 076 - Travelling to Arno Bay

Hi Everyone, a nice lazy day today. I left the quiet town of Woomera, and drove a lazy 400km to the small fishing town of Arno Bay. In doing so, I drove though Port Augusta and Whyalla, the latter of which I'll head back to in the next day or so.

So I'm in Arno Bay to go on a fishing charter tomorrow. Why, cause Arno Bay is apparently the capital for Snapper fishing in the world, where 10kg+ fish are caught on a regular (daily) basis. So hopefully all will go well tomorrow.

I couldn't help myself the afternoon, and went for a little fish in the local river. Although I saw a school of Kingfish (grrrr), I only caught a crab.

Anyway, I've got my Collingwood top on, and am ready to head to the pub. I'm try not to drink too much tonight, and I'm determined not to have a Parma, but we'll see.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 075 - Where is the Woomera

Firstly, just want to say thanks to the person who made a comment on yesterday's blog entry. Good to see I make his morning start a little nicer.

Secondly, go Pies!! Hopefully we put it all together tomorrow night and beat the Cats (sorry Drew and Mio).

So, today I left Coober Pedy, and travelled the 400km to get to Woomera. It's funny, I didn't really know too much about this place, but as the towns are sparce here in the outback, it was the place I chose to spend the night. So what's it about Woomera. Firstly, this is where we had a Correction Centre, for all those people coming here by boat. unfortunately, it was closed a few years ago, so driving up to the front gate didn't cause any guardman to run at me with guns, on flies.

Apart from that, the main thing about Woomera is it was a place we worked on missiles and rockets after the second world war. Apparently we had second rate missiles compared to the Germans, so the English and Aussies decided to use to town as a place to create/test new ones. Very interesting, even if the museum was about 45 degrees in there.

anyway, no exciting photos today, so no pictures for you. Hopefully tomorrow, when I get to Arno Bay, I'll get a few pretty pics, hey I'll be seeing water again, and fish I hope.

Until next time

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 074 - Coober Pedy and all that Opal

Hello no-one,

Sorry, just testing to see if anyone is reading. So I've been at Coober Pedy today, and have done a number of things. I planned to spend the morning doing a few things myself, before going on a 1.2 day tour.

So in the morning I firstly went to the "Big Winch", which is the highest point in CP for a few photos. I then headed down to the local golf course (see photo below), but decided against playing a game, it didn't look that appealing. After that I went to a private underground house, where the owner/resident took me around his home/dig out. It was really nice to be shown around by the local, but I feel sorry for him, his house is open from 8 to 5 everyday.

Anyway, in the afternoon I joined the bus tour, where I was the youngest person (surprise), and got to see a number of things, run by a hilarious tour guide/bus driver. He had a joke for everything, and knew everything about town. We got to see a opal mine, opal museum, the breakaways hills, the dog fence and so many other things. I think in future I'm going to have to jump on these tours more often, I'll learn so much more, not that I'm at school and need to learn, but you know what I mean.

Coober Pedy Golf Course

Underground Serbian Church

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 073 - Alice Springs to Coober Pedy

Hi everyone, before I tell you about my trip today, there's a few things I need to tell you.
  1. There'll be no photos today, as I didn't actually take any.
  2. At 4am this morning I got woken up, as my hostel room neighbour decided to get up and throw up, right on my room door. Plus I needed to go for a wee, very awkward.
  3. When I went to have breakfast, all my food in the communial fridge had been taken. Bloody thieves, but then I looked a little further and realised I'd put my food in the general consumption area of the fridge. Doh!!

So, today's events revolved around driving 700km from Alice to Coober Pedy. I'd say there's a lot to write about, but seriously, there isn't much, just driving, driving, driving

I have put myself on a touristy tour of Coober Pedy tomorrow, so hopefully it goes well. I might even make some friends.

Anyway, I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 072 - Who the xxxx is Alice

So I'm now fully in Alice Springs, and a lovely town it is. The hostel I'm staying at, Annies Place, is a definite must if you're out for a party. It brings back memories of Paris at the 3 Ducks hostel.

I did a big run-around here today, catching as many sites as I could. I went to see the Todd River, not that there was any water, lots of locals with fires though.

I then headed to Anzac Hill, a small hill over the town, where y0u get to see a great view of the whole town. To be honest, apart from the poverty and abuse, Alice Springs is a lovely town.
From there I went to the Reptile Centre, to see all the local snakes and other reptiles of the area. It was a nice little centre, but I did get to hold a dragon and a python.
From there I headed to the Desert Park, recommended by everyone as the place to go to in AS. It was a pretty average sort of zoo, until I went into the Noctural area. Absolutely fantastic, as was the birds of prey exhibit, just like the one in Healesville.
Anyway, I'm back in town now, writing my usual, and getting an early night. I have a 685 km drive tomorrow, heading to Coober Pedy.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Days 63 to 71 - Been gone and back, now I'm in Alice Springs

Days 63 - 68 Home to Ayers Rock

Hi Everyone, once again it's been a few days since I've added any records, and that's because I came home. Why did I come home you ask??? Well, a couple of reasons.1. Mums Day2. Sister was over from Hong Kong3. Relatives were over from Wales
So a couple of nice days at home, which would have been relaxing, except I can't let myself get that way. So I ran around, and tried to see as many people as possible.
I came back to Ayers Rock on Thursday, and went to see the "Rock" again, and take a few more photos. After that I headed back to the hotel, Sails on the Desert, where I went to the pool, a huge pool that was 30 degrees. Needless to say I spent about 2 hours in it, and by doing so, met a few people. So I ended up getting to bed around 2am, after drinking numerous cocktails (yes Anu, I had a toblerone), bottles of red wine, and most of my bottle of bourbon. It also included a spa with 2 of the girls, a spa the that was too small for even 1 person.

Day 069 - Off to Kings Canyon

Needless to say, I didn't wake up very well, but after a buffet breakfast, and hitting the road for a while, I started to feel better. So now, I'm in Kings Canyon, and will do the big walk tomorrow, big for all the people that go there. But I did a little walk today, called Kathleen Springs. Anyway, I'll write more tomorrow, when I have more energy.
And damn, they don't have connectivity here for me, so I'll have to wait till Alice Springs to publish this.

Day 070 - Kings Canyon

After sleeping in, and then having a buffet breakfast, I was a bit sluggish to get moving today. I think I'm still a little dissappointed with no internet connectivity here. I did find an internet machine in the pub, but the space key doesn't really work that well, which gets frustrating after a while.
Anyway, I ramble on. So I take the 5 km drive to the base of Kings Canyon, to find lots of other cars and buses there already, but not Canyon in site. The references at the site say 3.5 hours to do 6km, so I set off really slowly. After a 600 step climb, I find myself looking at the Canyon. Now I've met lots of people along the way, and some people even told me that it was better than Ayers Rock, but after climbing the Rock, I don't think anything can compare. But it was a lovely walk, walking along the sandstone rock. And the next thing I know, I've taken 50 photos. And it did almost take me 3 hours to do the way. The great thing about these sort of walks is that you say "G'day", "morning", etc etc to everybody you meet, everyone is so warm and friendly.
So after the walk, I decided to kick back and relax the rest of the afternoon away. I've got a big drive tomorrow, about 350km, mostly on rough dirt roads, through the mcDonnell ranges, before ending up in Alice Springs.

Day 071 - Kings Canyon to Alice Springs

Hi everyone, it's good to be back online. It's strange how we get so dependent on these things, what did we doing 20 years ago??

So I left KC pretty early, as I'd set myself a huge amount of things to do today. Firstly I had to drive 160km on seriously corrigated roads, it took me 3 hours, before getting back on to they bitemen we love an adore. From there I spent the day seeing the sites of the West McDonnell Ranges, hills of red sandstone that pass for heaps of kms. I did 6 different walks/sites, in the following order.
  • Redbank Gorge
  • Glen Helen Gorge
  • Serpentine Gorge
  • Ellery Creek Big Hole
  • Standley Chasm
  • and Simpsons Gap.

They all looked pretty much the same, absolutely lovely, with water, and rocks, and fish, fish I haven't seem before, and all prohibited from fishing for.

Oh, another thing. All through the McDonnell Ranges, there were signs on the road stating no alcohol and no pornography. Weird.

So I'm in Alice Springs now, I've done a walk around town, without being robbed/mugged, but I have another 36 hours here. Who knows.

Oh, no pictures in this one, just because it's a joint blog. Will add photos tomorrow.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 062 - I made it!!!

So, to me, nothing else needs to be said. This was my number 1 goal, to climb up and down Ayers Rock. And what a fun trip it was.
Anyway, on top of that, I also went to the Olgas, which are just as amazing. You'll have to come by, or invite me around, to see the photos.
By the time you read this, I'll most likely be in Melbourne for a few days.
Catch you soon

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 061 - I'm finally here.....Ayers Rock

As you can see, I've made it to my number 1 goal of my trip, Ayers Rock. After driving 503 kms, I finally got here. For those that don't know, you can legally do 130 in the NT, which is nice, but after doing it for 50km or so, you still want to go faster. Unfortunately for most of my trip today, the limit was only 110.
Anyway, so I'm here, and with only spending about 5 minutes on accommodation, I headed to the rock. I have to say, I had an adrenaline rush, just from seeing it. But when I got there, it was closed for climbing, something about it being windy. No big loss, I have a few more days here.

So I walked around it, a nice 10km walk, where you get to take it all in. And once I finished that, I joined the 500 or so other people to watch the sunset. I only took about 30 photos for the sunset, but this guy next to me had automated 10 second timer on his camera. He was taking hundreds. Anyway, lovely to watch.
So tomorrow I'm going to miss the sunrise, and try and have a relaxing day. If I can get up on the rock I will, otherwise I'll head to the Olgas for a couple of walks, before relaxing by the pool in the afternoon.
See some of you this weekend.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Days 56 - 60 - Where have I been?

OK, so I've finally found the outback, and all the joys you can find in it. Namely, no mobile phone or internet connection. Therefore, I've put the last 5 days worth of "doings" into this blog. Therefore, settle yourself in for a long read, maybe get a coffee/tea first, and read away.

Day 056
Wow, it's finally happened. After 56 days, I've finally put myself into a location where neither my mobile phone, or my internet connection actually work. And I feel so lonely. Not really, but it is a little strange.
So I'm in the Flinders Ranges proper today. I'm staying in the YHA right underneath the Wilpena Pound mountains, which I'll climb tomorrow. But for today, I've had a reasonably relaxing day. I did manage to do one walk/climb, suggested by the YHA themselves. It was about 5km although by my little mistake in getting lost, it actually became about 6km. The walk took me around the YHA area itself, and gave me wonderful views of the of Wilpena itself.
So, enough said today. Hopefully the big climb will go well tomorrow, and also the Pies beat the Blues.

Day 057 - Wilpena Pound - well almost
So, another day in the office. Not really. So today was going to be one of those days that friends told me to do. Go climb St Marys Peak on the Wilpena Pound, to see the sites. So I headed off early, under advisement, as it'd be a big day. No problem, I was walking by 9am. After 1 hour, I'd done 4.4km, and it was going really easy. Stupid me, I decided to have a break. As soon as I started, I had an uphill climb of about 1km, which took me longer than the 4.4km I'd just done. Seriously, it was at about an angle of 45 degrees.
Anyway, I get to the top of the climb, some may call saddle, and I lose the walking track. But I know which way to go, and head off. Not long after, I see a snake in front of me, but luckily, it's more scared of me, than I am of it. Just.
I find the track about 500m later, and continue up. But for the next kilometre, the path signs pop in and out. I get to a spot where I feel like I need a rope to climb up, seriously, this stuff is steep, so I decide to call it quits. I managed to see what I needed to see, but just like the back wall on Mt Buffalo, I feel I haven't fully achieved what I set out to do. So on my way back, I bump into a few people, where were they when I was climbing up, and the let me know that I only got lost by about 10 metres. Oh well, not to be.
So I get back to my accomodation, just in time to see the footy, what a wonderful game, watching it on a 34cm tv. but who cares. we beat the blues (can someone send on my emotions to Dean Puhalovich on this game).

Day 058 - Maree - Lake Eyre

So I left the Flinders Ranges, after spending two lovely days there. It was actually sad to leave the place, a lovely outback park, with lots of walks and wildlife to see, including the locusts.
So today was one of my big goals of my trip. To go to Lake Eyre. On the way there, I travelled some lovely roads, until they took me to a pub called the Prairie Hotel. It's a fancy hotel in the middle of no-where, they cook different food, such as emu, crocodile and kangaroo. Unfortunately I was there at the wrong time, otherwise I'd have had a lovely lunch.
So I got to Marree, the town closest to Lake Eyre, and after getting some directions, I drove an extra 100km on dirt/sand to get to see the Lake. Ok, so lake is probably not the right word, as there's no water there, but for miles and miles, beyond my vision, there was sand and salt (yes, I tested it).
After getting back to town, I booked in for a flight over the lake, and will be up early morning (6:30), to go over the lake, including some watery bits.
Hopefully it's lovely to see from the sky too.

Day 059 - Lake Eyre to William Creek

So, probably the biggest day so far. Getting up at 6am for a 6:30am flight, I was up in a little 6 seater plane heading for Lake Eyre before I was really awake. And I have to say, amazing. This lake is so large (apparently 6th in the world), and we only skimmed a small portion of it. The flight was for 90 minutes, and I loved every bit of it. Going in a small plane, at sunrise, can't get better than that.
Afer the flight, I headed out, to see the sites, and end of at William Creek. A town that consists of a pub, a camping ground, and an air flight service for people wanting little flights. But I digress.
In between Marree and William Creek, I saw a few things along the way.
1. Mutonia - a field containing strange artwork, such as two planes joined together, and a huge dog.

2. Lake Eyre South - a place where you can actaully walk/drive to the water in the lake.

3 Blanche Cup and the bubbler - two water formations, little water pools that never run out.

4. Coward Springs - an area where people can camp, also famous for the native spa pools. Mmmm it was time for a dip anyway.

5. My first dingo - as I was crossing a creek, there he was, and not scared or intimidating at all.
So I'm now in William Creek, that huge town. I had an emu pie for afternoon tea, and a lovely parma (what else) for dinner.

Everything costs more out in the outback though. It's 1.89 a litre here. Will I get to $2??

Day 060 - William Creek to Marla (via Oodnadatta)

Not much to talk about today. The drive from WC to M was just over 400km, and all of it dirt roads. It took me about 6 hours to do it, as I feel I've learnt a few things, and driving at 120km/h is no good on these roads, stick to 80 and your safe.

On the way to Marla, I had lunch in Oodnadatta. Not much of a town really, lots of derilict houses, and 1 big pink roadhouse.

Anyway, by this time tomorrow, I hope to have seen the sunset at Ayers Rock. My number 1 goal is less that 24 hours away.

Wilpena Pound

Dafydd at Lake Eyre