Monday, March 29, 2010

Days 19 to 23 - Have you missed me

Hi Everyone, I hope you're all well. It's been a few days since I last created one of these, and already my fingers have forgotten how to type.
So what have I been up to? Well, since I got to Bendigo, I've done the following:
  1. Went to the Central Deborah Gold Mine in Bendigo. That was really cool, and I got to go down 60 odd metres in an active underground gold-mine, and get an understanding of what happened back in the old days, as well a what still happens now.
  2. Drove to Kyneton where suprisingly enough, the Victory Hotel, the pub from the VB ad, is. And another surpise, it's not a pub, it's an old hospital.
  3. Went to Hanging Rock, where I did a bit of a climb up the hill. No, I didn't get lost.
  4. Caught up with Faye and Peter, and had a lovely night with them. I also had the best sleep since I started on my holiday, must be something to do with having a nice bed, rather than a blow-up mattress to sleep on.
  5. Came home to spend a couple of days with Mum, family and friends. That was no relaxing 2 days, as I didn't settle down at all.
  6. Went fishing for Elephant Fish with a couple of friends, and managed to catch one. Ok, as per usual, Cade caught more than me, but did he catch a shark as well?
  7. Went to the footy to see the "Pies" beat the Doggies. Gotta love football.

And now I'm back on my holiday trail, and have travelled far. I'm staying in Torquay, on the start of a few days travelling down the Great Ocean Road. I'll be site-seeing and fishing along the way, as well as going to see the start of the Bell Beach Rip-Curl Pro, which started today. Hopefully I can get a photo with one of the surfers there. I also did a bit of Snorkeling today, down at Queenscliff, where I saw lots of lovely little animals.

Dafydd with "Jaws", a School Shark

Dafydd at the Victory Hotel

1 comment:

  1. You must have passed the Great Ocean Road by now. Have you seen any koalas? Echidnas? Was the helicopter ride still possible?
