Monday, March 8, 2010

And so the trip begins, along with the rain.

Hi Everyone,

The day has arrived, and I've now been on the road 2 days, and have done quite a few things. Firstly I'd like to thank all the people who came along for my first night away, you know who you are.....

So what have I done....

Well the first day involved driving the long distance to Healesville, where we went to the Healesville Sanctuary. I believe it's been over 20 years since I was there last, and a lot has changed. My only critisism was that I didn't get to see any Echidnas, but oh well, I'm sure I'll get a chance to see them again in the next few months. After that we sent a lovely few hours at the Innocent Bystander, for drinks and a meal, a place that everyone should go to when they head that way.

My second day involved recovering for too many wines, and then heading out to see a few things. We then headed off to see and walk around Maroondam Dam, getting lost in the process, before heading off to Marysville for lunch. I was last there in August, and at that time is was totally missing as a town, but now it's starting to come back, with a few buildings returning. From there, Cade and I said good-bye to the other travellers, and headed off to Eildon, and on way going to the Buxton trout farm, a few non-exciting place to catch fish.

From there I we went to on the way going to Snubs Creek Falls, a lovely waterfall up in the hillls near Eildon.

Anyway, just kicking back now in the motel room, and planning my next few days. It should look like the following:

another night in Eildon, trying to catch some fish.

a night in Beechworth, before heading to Mount Buffalo, for a few days of relaxation and hiking.

Catch you soon.

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