Monday, March 22, 2010

Days 15 + 16 - And along came a spider....

Hi everyone,

So, to improve on my last day, I decided to start the day well. Not!! So I get up out of bed, and you know how you feel, not quite fully there. I walk into the bathroom, and find myself covered with spiderwebs. Not so bad. I look around, trying to find the culprit, and there it is, a red-back spider, crawling along the floor. I wake up immediately, and squish the little fella. So much for just checking under the toilet seat.

But that was the only bad thing for the day. Since then, I've done lots of things. I've driven more than 600 kms, done about 7 bush walks, both in Wyperfeld and Grampians National Parks.

I'm not up for writing too much today, but will put some more in in the next few days. Off to Ballarat tomorrow, might even go to Sovereign Hill.

Oh, I also am too tired to add some photos, as I've only taken about 120 in the last 2 days.

Have fun

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