Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 9 - Rutherglen to Cobram

Hi All,

Another day where I'm not working. It was a lovely relaxing day, going from Rutherglen to Cobram, a drive of just over an hour (as I was cruising). As I said yesterday, I returned to Pfeiffers today, and had a short spell there, chatting away to Kylie, Chris and Jen. Like usual, I spent just over 2 hours there, but luckily got away without buying lots of bottles. btw: Cade, you'll need to pay for a purchase I made for you, nothing big, just a couple of dozen.

I found a place to stay in Cobram run by the RACV. A lovely place, I feel a bit underdone though. Every other person/couple has a caravan there. But lucky me, I've got 3 beds to choose from, I might sleep in all of them.

I spent the afternoon in and out of the pool, nice and relaxing, before heading off for a few hours of fishing. This time no success, I think it was due to using Yabbies as bait. I think they bit me more times than I got fishing biting my bait. I really need to hunt down a charter boat in the next day or so, I really want that Murray Cod.

Anyway, here's some pictures. I probably wont be online tomorrow night, as I'll be camping.

Stay tuned.

Mmm, Parkers Pie.

Cobram Resort Pool

Giant Strawberry

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a nice place Head. better luck next time with the fishing.
