Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 3, and the rain clears, almost.

Well I woke up today, and loy and behold, it's raining. But by the time Cade and I had showered and eaten breakfast, the weather had come good.

So after some friendly advise from the locals, we grabbed our fishing rods, and headed down to the water. Although we were aiming for something bigger, catching 3 redfin, sitting around near the water, a lovely morning was had. And yes, I caught the first one too.

After saying goodbye to Cade, I decided to head back to the Cathedral Ranges, which I'd driven past the day before. It's amazing, that last year over 90% of the Cathedral Ranges was involved in the bushfires.
I did two walks/hikes whilst I was there, and probably mis-judged it a little. The first walk, up Sugarloaf saddle, was closed about 200 metres up, but I went through it and went almost to the top. Just as I got near the top, it started raining, and as I'd need to jump from rock to rock, I decided against it.
The second walk as even harder. Very much like Mt Oberon, it was a consistent climb uphill, at about 30-40 degrees on angle. A number of times I almost chose to give up, and should have, cause at the top, it was too hard to take in the beautiful scenery.

Anyway, I'm back now in my hotel, and will be off to Beechworth in the morning. Stay tuned.

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