Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 147 - Another day in Darwin

Hi everyone, I hope your day went as well as mine. For me, the day started with a crazy short drive in the early hours, trying to find the marina where my fishing charter was going from. Luckily made it in time, and got there with 10 minutes to spare. We had 11 people on board, and due to the huge tidal changes, had solid rods with huge sinkers on them. With that sort of rod, I was expecting/hoping for some big fish, but alas, that didn't occur. For the 4 hours I was out on the boat, I caught 4 fish, the biggest being the fish you can see in the photo below. At least I caught 4 different types of fish, and none of them were flathead or toadies.

After the fish charter (and note, I probably won't doing much fishing till the great barrier reef now), I headed in to town to do a bit of shopping/walk around, until my hotel room was ready. Luckily I walked in to the room just in time to see the start of the Pies/Blues game. Or should I say shalaking. Go Pies, lets just home they continue playing like this for another 7-8 weeks.

After that, I walked back into town, to see lots of drunken people walking around, coming from the horse races. So the best place for me was in to see another movie, this time Inception. Big movie, not sure if I liked it or not.

Anyway, I'm off to Litchfield tomorrow, so that should be fun. When I was hear 15 years ago, I liked it way more than Kakadu, so we'll see if that feeling still sticks.

Catch ya

Pink/Red Fish

Wave Pool

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