As these are my last 3 days, I thought I'd just put it all into one blog entry. As my trip has been getting closer to ending, it's been harder to write these things.
So on Friday, I headed to Venus Bay, to catch up with some old and very good friends. We'd hired a house right near the sea, to kick back and relax. My good friend Drew also brought a boat down, to do a bit of fishing. Unfortunately the weather wasn't great on Friday, so we fished off the river, and the beach.
But on Saturday, the weather was fantastic, so we took the little tinnie out into the little inlet there, and had a ball. We caught plenty of fish, including some big trevally, as well as plenty of flathead, salmon, a snapper and a big king george. It was great day out, and the only thing that stopped us was when the weather kicked up. Little tinnie boats and windy days just don't mix.
Sunday was bit the same, although I just fished from the beach whilst the other boys took the boat out.
So, I'm now home. It's a strange feeling, I know I've been back a few times during the trip, but this is now the end of the trip.
I'd just like to thank all the people that have keep me sane whilst away, by calling, emailing, smsing or even coming up and seeing me. It's been a great trip, and I've been to some wonderful places.
I hope you've enjoyed your readings, as this is my last entry. I hope to catch up with you all soon.
Ahhh. the serenity....