Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 242 - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Hi Folks, well, for me, today included lots of things. I initially left Omeo, and came back down to almost sea level. In doing so, the temperature was a lot more comfortable.
I stopped in at Bairnsdale to pick up some supplies (beer and ice), and then continued on. My next stop was Heyfield, where I stopped in at the local pub for lunch. And doh, they weren't serving.
Anyway, I ramble. From there I was heading up to one of my favourite camping spots, Cheynes Bridge, on the McAlister River. Now, I haven't been there for about 5 years now, due to a number of elements, mainly floods and bush-fires, but I figured it was time.
When I got there, I was in for a surprise. Firstly, the area is much clearer than what it used to be. They have tables and chairs permanently there now, as well as pit-fires cemented in. So Lance, we don't need Tanya there to help us "OK" the fireplace anymore. They have different toilets now too, I guess the old ones got washed away. Unfortunately, they're still pit toilets.
The next thing to note is that I was the only person there. But the fires were still blowing smoke, so a few groups must have left earlier that day.
So, I checked out the water, and it was pretty high, and running pretty fast, so I went for a drive to find some slow water, but after an hour I came back. I headed to that location just above the bridge, but had no success at all there.
Therefore, I headed back to the tent, turned on the radio, and listened to the cricket for a few hours (and drank a few too). In between innings, I headed down to the local "beach" to do some twilight fishing (ala Cade), and put 2 rods on. I'd only just got both rods in when I started to get bits. Not long after, I reeled in my first trout of this holiday. It'd swallowed the hook, and while dealing with that, my other rod went off. So I reeled that one in as well, this time a big carp. Over the next 75 minutes, I caught 5 trout and 1 carp, the rods continually going off. Unfortunately, 3 of the trout fully swallowed the hooks, and probably didn't make it.
I was so happy with the day's fishing, that I didn't even get to upset when Australia lost the cricket.
So, what's the good, bad and ugly. Good - catching 6 fish. Bad - yes, it rained, but not to bad. Ugly - well, I did have to go for a swim didn't eye, and I couldn't find my bathers.....
McAlister River - the corner

Rainbow trout

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