Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 243 - And on to Wilsons Promotory

Hi everyone. Well, I woke up at 5:30 this morning, it's funny how the sound of rain, and the fullness of bladder will wake you up when you're camping. Luckily it didn't rain for long, and I could get out of my tent.
Unfortunately, I didn't have as much luck as yesterday. There was no fish to be found today. So, after packing up, I went for a bath in the river. I reckon the water was about 5 degrees, if that, a nice way to get rid of your hangover I think.
Now, I stopped in Heyfield for breaky. A thing to note: their bakery there is fantastic. Yummo.
From there I drove to Wilson's Prom, for a few walks. I stopped at Tidal River first, for some lunch, at which I got attacked by Rosellas. Quite funny, I even fed them chicken!!
The main reason I came here was to climb Mt Oberon, and that's what I did. A 3.5km hike, all uphill, but a reasonably simple, but steep walk. At the top, you can see pretty much the whole of the prom, very nice.
After that, I went down to walk along the tidal river, and then played on squeaky beach (no squeaks for me), before heading back to my hotel. Cade, I'm staying in Foster, just for something different.
Birdie num-num

From the top of Mt Oberon

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