Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 191 - Fraser Island

Hi all, today was another great day in paradise. If you look at the pictures below, you'll notice the lovely warm and clear blue skies. Terrible.

So, after a lovely day with whales yesterday, today I jumped on a ferry boat, and headed over to Fraser Island. At this point, I have to say thanks to all the people that helped me make the decision of whether I should drive on the island or not. Thankfully not. Within the first kilometre of the roads on the isle, I could tell my poor xtrail would have got bogged many times.

So thanks to everyone, especially Dan for giving me tips.

Anyway, back to the day's events. So instead of driving, I jumped on a 30 seater 4wd bus, and headed into the island. It was a day of nice activities, nothing really too strenuous. The first stop was Lake Birrabeen, where we got to swim/relax around the lake for an hour. It's a lovely lake, with white sand all around it.

From there we headed to Central Station, a place where we got taken out on a 30 minute walk around a lovely rainforest, where we got to see monitor lizards and funnelweb spiders. yeh!!!

By then we were hungry, so headed in to Eurong Resort for lunch, before hitting the world famous beaches on the eastern side of the island. On the beach, we got to stop 3 times, to see an old shipwreck, an area of sand with 75 different colours of sand, and then to Eli Creek. All along this beach, whcih is 75 miles long, you could see people beach fishing, along with tents hidden in the trees. On the way south of the beach, we managed to also see 3 whales, one very close to shore, but not close enough to worry for it.

On the ferry back to Hervey Bay, we had some dolphins swim around the boat. Now how good is this day.

So off to Noosa tomorrow. Looking forward to a nice relaxing day, before heading down to the Sunshine Coast. Catchya

Lake Birrabeen
Maheno Shipwreck

Eli Creek


  1. I am very jealous Daf. Looks and sounds like you are having a great time.

  2. They last few days have been outstanding. I definitely recommend people going from Hervey Bay to the Sunshine Coast for a holiday.
