As for me, we left Fitzroy Crossing, after having a lovely breakfast in the scary looking caravan park we stayed in. We headed in to town, then drove the 20km to the Geikie Gorge National Park. Once we got there, we did what everyone else does, jumped on a boat tour to see the lovely gorges that abound here. Probably the most exciting thing about this hour long boat trip was the number of freshwater crocodiles in the water. So much cuter and friendlier than the "salties" but I still wouldn't want to swim with them.
After the cruise, we drove to Halls Creek, a lovely mainly aboriginal town that's main claim to fame is that it's in the main drive through area for people driving between Broome and Darwin.
We had a lovely relaxing afternoon, enjoying the drunken aboriginals running and then getting kicked out of our hotel. A real eye-opener.
Hey mate, recovering doing well. See the Doctor tomorrow hopefully to get these stitches out. 3 weeks to Cairns mate, but who's Double checked and Barra season does stop until end of Sept so we are set mate!