Monday, January 25, 2010

This is the End......Of our House that is.

Hi all, I hope you're all well. Just thought I'd write about what's happened over the weekend. My brother and I finally moved out of our house, a house we owned for 6 years together. Over the last 6 months or so it's be a busy time, painting the house, keeping the garden in order and keeping the whole house tidy, but no more.

As of friday, the house will no longer be ours, but both of us should be reasonably happy, we sold the house at the right time, and should have lots of money to spend.

Only have 5 weeks to go, until I'm off on my big trip.....but who's counting.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The New Year

Hi Everyone. Well it's been a few busy weeks. What with going up to Sydney for NYE, and visiting a very good, and very pregnant friend, a lately it's been about emptying my house. It's only 2 weeks to go until I have to move out of my house for good. But on a good point, come that day, I'll have plenty of money in my pocket.

It's only 7 weeks now till my big "around Australia" trip. I think I'm almost ready to start the drive, I just need to work out which stuff I'm taking, and what I'll be leaving behind, as it looks like my car's going to have way too much stuff in it.